View Full Version : Meditation & Relaxation

23-12-11, 15:06
My anxiety is extreme so I have been doing 2 to 4 meditation and relaxation sessions a day for 3 weeks. After a few I felt better, most I felt nothing and one greatly increased my anxiety.

I have tied CBT and all the other ways to calm the nervous system and am scared this one is not working so far. Even though I had a brief time of relief after a few I am still in total anxiety nervous system hell 24/7. shouldn't I be feeling some relief by now.

Scared this is my last tool to try and it is not working - plus I am so agitated that sitting and slowing down is horribly painful

23-12-11, 15:55
Describe what you relaxation exercise and meditations consist of.

23-12-11, 17:26
Hi, it will work. After a while your body will learn how to relax and you will be able to call it at any situation. Keep at it :)

23-12-11, 19:32
I do both deep abdominal breathing and mantra meditations

23-12-11, 20:22
Vix is right, your body melds into the routine and you can just enter it after a long time of practising.
mantra meditations are good - positive reinforcement and all that. For relaxation, try to progressively relax you muscles as well.
Remember about your safe place! Have you got a safe place either within you or in the world you can retreat to, away from all your troubles? Once you have an asylum in the outside world, you can begin to grow one within.

Meditation won't cure your anxiety. It is only another technique to improve yourself and your symptoms and it can give you a new angle on life which will ultimately start you on your way to recovery. You can't go into it as if it is a drug that will take away all the pain, but you can go into it with open curiosity as it will definately cahnge you, even if your anxiety is not cured. Meditation and relaxation are two of the best natural alternatives around in the west these days. You are doing well. Keep it up!
Take care x