View Full Version : I Feel That My Mother is About to Die -- I'm so Depressed

23-12-11, 15:34
It's been 6 months since I saw my mother since I just came home from the uni. What was supposed to be a happy experience for me turned so upsetting.

The first thing she told me on the way home from the airport was that her x-ray results had a bad finding in her heart, I think. The name of the finding was a bit long but it involved the word "aorta" and I think "calcified". The x-ray technician told my mom that it was bit of a common thing especially for aging people (my mom is 62). He told her that his dad had it.

A friend of my mom who was a medical technologist told her that yeah, it was common for ageing people.

My mom is going to meet her doctor after the holidays. She seems absolutely not worried while I am here sitting alone and getting depressed each day at our own house.

My mom had a history of elevated uric acid. Her cholesterol levels have had ranged from normal to high normal to a bit elevated but both levels have been controlled regularly thru the years. She says she doesn't feel any unusual chest pains or whatsoever.

I absolutely do not know what to think. It's supposed to be a happy season but because of this, I am more than depressed. I feel that her arteries are getting blocked and she is due for a heart attack any minute.

Help help help

23-12-11, 17:33
Hi skyisblue. Let me assure you that if the doctors thought she would have a heart attack at any minute they would have put her on medication and got her in hospital asap. I know it seems scary to you to be told this news, but you need to remember if they're not worried by it neither should you be.
I'm sure your mother would rather see you enjoying yourself and having a lovely christmas with her than worrying about something that in all probability won't happen over Christmas.
Death is an uncertainty in life and you never know when it's going to appear. If you live your life in fear of it you will miss out on the many joyous things that happen. So please, please enjoy your family and Christmas.

23-12-11, 17:49
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I can relate because my dad had a heart attack several years ago. He was only 47, but he is doing well now. Keeping her cholesterol under control is great--my dad has always struggled with that. I hope you can take some comfort in the fact that it is common to develop it with age. That means that doctors see it often, and will be able to help. Now that they know she has this condition, they will be sure to monitor her and do whatever is necessary to keep it from causing problems. Trust me, I have had several family members with heart problems and the doctors keep a close watch on them. The doctors will keep a close eye on your mom as well, and it sounds like she is mindful of her health as well. If they were worried she was about to have a heart attack, they would not have just sent her home and told her to come back after the holidays, I promise. They would have kept her in the hospital and done everything they could to keep a heart attack from happening. I know it is hard not to worry but please try to enjoy your holiday and trust that the doctors will help your mom.

23-12-11, 22:34
Most people over a certain age will have some calcification of their arteries so its common and comes with age but most people do not know as they don't have any tests. Obviously its not a great thing to have but it all depends on how bad it is as to whether your mum is at risk of heart attack and if she was at immediate risk then they would have had her back pronto.

24-12-11, 00:04
Thank you very much for the comforting words vixxy, carrot, and countrygirl.

Actually, the test was done because of her regular medical check up at work. The x-ray was just done in a separate laboratory and the I don't think the radiologist was present when he put the diagnosis in the results. My mom said she wasn't able to meet the radiologist personally. It was solely my mother's condition to see the doctor after the holidays.

I have a few questions:

Is it really possible to detect such condition even with just an x-ray? I thought there were more sophisticated procedures for that?

Also, with this condition (whatever it is), is it possible to combat it with change of lifestyle (obviously) and some medications? Or is a heart surgery inevitable? As you know, I do not live in the UK or in any other first world country. That means all medical expenses are on our burden. I don't think we could go thru a major surgery. :weep:

Thank you and advanced merry xmas to all. xx

25-12-11, 07:03
Oh dear. I just found out that my mom has scheduled her appointment with the doctor this Tuesday. That's a day before the Christmas reunion with my high school friends which I am hosting. I cannot help but feel anxious and negative about the doctor's trip. :weep: