View Full Version : ok, now i'm worried.

23-12-11, 17:41
I am getting sharp pains around the heart area when breathing in. I'm worried its a heart problem. When i feel my heart (whilst breathing in) it feels like its jumping around. And i keep getting a fuzzy feeling in my head. Im anticipating a panic attack any moment now...please help

23-12-11, 17:51
I get pains in my chest from muscle pain. It used to worry me that it was my heart, but it's never turned into anything more than ... well muscle pain. Try lying down for a few minutes and trying to relax your chest to see if it helps, if it does, even a little bit then you know it's not your heart.

24-12-11, 00:56
Chest pain is very common, and is caused by several things, mostly things that are not related to the heart.

I've had many chest pains over, and some have been severe to the point of feeling I would pass out... none of them were due to the heart, but to stomach cramps (the stomach sack sits right next to the heart) and also muscle tension.

If the doctor has checked you out, then it's fine. I know it's hard to believe it sometimes... I used to always disbelieve them, but now I do believe them... I've got a doctor who I really trust, and he knows about my anxiety and my needs for reassurance so he's very thorough with me and always explains stuff... even drawing diagrams for me when he wants to explain some stuff!

Once I started to believe that the pains were not from my heart, they eventually went... our mind is so powerful, and if we worry about a certain symptom, it will get worse or more frequent. That was the case with my bad chest pains, until I finally started to accept that they weren't from the heart.

24-12-11, 01:34
heart pain is not felt over the heart - this will be something like muscular

24-12-11, 02:07
Yes I get those pains around the chest area, and when my anxiety is really bad, it also hurts more if I try to take in a deep breath. It's because all the muscles in that area are extra tight from the tension we hold in our chest, neck, back, ect..

If it doesn't go away or gets worse you can always see your GP for piece of mind. But it does sound like classic muscle tension due to anxiety or shallow breathing.

24-12-11, 15:34
Thanks for the replies. The pain is near enough gone now thank god but i cant seem to stop yawning (im not feeling particularly tired)?The symptoms are never ending