View Full Version : grammar...

23-12-11, 17:43
Because when I comment, or make a post, a lot of people pick up on grammar. I started having some minor panic attacks over it. When ever I see a word I spelt slightly wrong (for example one letter in the wrong place or missing) I panic, if I don't feel my grammar is perfect 100%, I panic, I get pains through my chest and my heart starts beating faster. The worse part is the sweats, I got hot very suddenly and sweat when I think I've mad a mistake. :( :(

23-12-11, 18:05
I've seen some terrible spelling and grammar on here but have always thought that the nature of the forum means that people probably make mistakes because of the symptoms of anxiety and it should not be an issue. We all make mistakes and it is not a big deal, I've probably just made some in this reply.

23-12-11, 18:41
Hi. My grammar/spelling is terrible on here sometimes.
Don't worry if you make a mistake none is here to judge you :)
remember this is an anxiety/panic/mental health forum not a grammar forum xx

23-12-11, 18:47
Hi Cuppycake,
No one makes as many spelling mistakes as me. Sometimes I shorten my words like texting on my mobile. I think we all make mistakes sometimes.
It's not important , don't worry, it's nothing to be anxious about
All the best xx

23-12-11, 18:53
Hey cuppycake, i am always making mistakes too, and if i read a post with mistakes, i think nothing off it, it is not important to use correct grammar or spelling, just to get your point over and for us all to help each other,

so please don't worry, carry on posting, and remember no one here is judging you merry christmas x

23-12-11, 19:01
I also write on here like i do when im texting, im always shortening words :blush: just habit i suppose xx

23-12-11, 20:39
Your grammar seems pretty good to me:)
Can't believe people on here would seriously pick fault with someone's grammar anyway but maybe they've nothing better to do.

24-12-11, 09:50
My grammer is horrendous, im dyslexia and can't spell to save my life.

I wouldn't worry about it, ive seen grammer mistakes on some of the most important written word documents and websites in my time. Everyone spells wrong including me:)

william wallace
24-12-11, 10:10
"Wel i fink yoo shood awl bee ashami'd uf yoorselfs# mY spelinge an gramur is perifkt' yoo shood al go bakc too skool:D

24-12-11, 14:15
"Wel i fink yoo shood awl bee ashami'd uf yoorselfs# mY spelinge an gramur is perifkt' yoo shood al go bakc too skool:D
lol :roflmao: thats made my day thanks Mr Wallace :roflmao: xx

01-01-12, 18:09
its mainly on other places on the net. Like a minute ago on another website :( my palms are really sweaty and my heart is racing, i can feel tears in my eyes and I'm shaking I can barely type at all.

william wallace
01-01-12, 19:16
In si****ions lyke thees it wood be wyse to yoos the spelchekker, if thare is wun.

Alternatively, you could tell these pedantic keyboard warriors to decamp:hugs:

01-01-12, 19:56
Hey Cuppycake - it's all part of the anx, OCD and perfectionist within us, but it's nothing to be worried about on NMP, no one will mind or ever think anything of it.

Sometimes, when we're having bad times, spelling and grammar can be difficult, but it can also be the least of our concerns (for either the writer, or the reader). Even the good old spelling and grammar checker gets things wrong.

01-01-12, 20:38
In si****ions lyke thees it wood be wyse to yoos the spelchekker, if thare is wun.

Alternatively, you could tell these pedantic keyboard warriors to decamp:hugs:

haha :) :hugs: you're probably right there :)

07-02-12, 18:37
Sorry for bumping this, its just I was thinking about this recently I used "their" where I should have used "they're" and I'm really clamming up :( I actually am getting scared by this, I just don't like people correcting me :(

07-02-12, 18:43
Hey, don't worry about it - people shouldn't correct you and if they do, it's them who at fault, not you. It's what you say, not how you say it that matters.

Take care

Pip x

07-02-12, 19:01
I can't believe that someone would be so small minded as to correct someone else's grammar in this day and age. Any one who does is the one with the problem !! Don't let it get you down- just see your critics for the nitpickers they truly are

07-02-12, 19:56
English is not my first language so spelling mistakes are part of my threads!! Hope everyone understands that otherwise you lot will all be laughing at me!! :)

07-02-12, 20:07
Well, I thought your grammar was exact in your opening post.

I can but speak for myself, having three degrees (BSc, MSc, and PhD) I still can't spell half the time and the predictive texting on my iPad is hilarious; nearly as good as the speech to text on the BBC News24 channel.

one of us

07-02-12, 21:10
Hi cuppycake,
Try this if you want to - it's called emotrance. I don't know why it's called emotrance lol.

Like this: write a sentance with a word spelt wrong on a pice of paper and put it face down. Take a deep breath and turn it over. Look at the sentence and feel your anxiety. Welcome it. Don't judge it. If you can feel your anxiety in a part of your body as a kind of emotional blockage, feel it with your hands and let it work it's way out. Then smile as you start to feel better, feel the fear leave your body. When you feel comfortable, tear it up, and write another error and do the same thing, until you feel less anxiety each time you see a typo/error. Of course don't strain yourself, it isn't a test of courage, but allow yourself to feel the fear and let it fade away. Do it a few times each day and feel yourself get better.

Let me know if this helps you feel any better :)