View Full Version : Shoulder pain

23-12-11, 18:25
Hi everyone. Today I've been getting a sort of sharp pain in my right shoulder blade and it's radiating down my arm. It only comes for a second or two then goes. I've been really tense and basically sitting on the couch for the last 3 days and under my arm it feels like I've pulled a muscle. I'm terrified that this is bone cancer or something!! Argh!! I remember the days when a sore shoulder was just a sore shoulder!
Does anyone else get this?

23-12-11, 21:55
Me!!!! I have a pains in my shoulder, under arm that radiate down my arm and I worry about it constantly when I have it incase it is something like what you've mentioned. However, it does come and go and so i rationalise that it would be pretty constant if it were a serious problem. I never had muscle aches etc. before I developed anxiety, so I hope it's just a rsult of tension.

23-12-11, 22:10
Hi there Christers thanks for the reply! I've been so beside myself with anxiety for the past month or so, it's been constant so obviously being so tense all the time will have this effect but when you're really anxious, it's so easy to let your mind run riot with all the horrible possibilities!! :)

23-12-11, 23:19
I get lots of muscle knots/tension on my shoulder blades and in between them, and it radiates all over, such as down my arms and up my neck/head. It hurts really badly, so I relate to you. Try heating pads or ice packs to help the pain, and ibuprofin helps too if you don't have time to ice.