View Full Version : Do Other People Tend to Obsess Over Certain Areas of Their Body?

23-12-11, 20:07
I am obsessed with under my arm and in my mouth. I constantly seem to have sores in my mouth and cant stop examining my mouth and tongue in thr mirror. I have also developed a huge fear of the dentist in case he finds anything in my mouth.

I am scared this is going to ruin Xmas day. Not for me but for my family who have to put up with me. I wish I could control this.

23-12-11, 21:22
I had a bad tooth abscess for a while, and I was terrified that it was spreading through my body, honestly every few minutes I was in the toilet checking it in the mirror! I had the tooth out though and it's been amazing not having to worry about it anymore! Usually I'm worried about my stomach because I have a phobia of vomiting, but these days anything and everything is setting me off!
I'm staying with my family and nieces for Christmas so just trying to enjoy it and have fun. Try and put it out of your mind for just a couple of days, and I bet you start to feel better! :)

23-12-11, 21:55
Hi, ive suffered with health anxiety for 3 years (as a result from watching my mum pass away from lung cancer) Anyway this is how mine started I had this pain under my armpit that just would nt go away, I convinced myself that I had breast cancer, was checking myself all the time. Went to the doctors on a number of occasions (Luckily I have an understanding doctor who listened to my worries and examined me each and every time with respect and sincere concern. After about 3 months it just seemed to fade away, coinciding with less stress that i was having!! So please dont worry physical pains do crop up with anxiety its just a case of teaching our brain that theres nothing sinister, its just a part of the condition !! Take care.x

23-12-11, 22:17
Yes, I obsess on my arms, chest, lips and head.