View Full Version : Anyone else????

24-12-11, 00:03
So normally I'm worry about some type of pain/mole etc but not this time and don't get me wrong I've had symptoms to worry over I just haven't (which ironically worries me)

I've not been too bad for a few months and have dealt with my urges to panic quite well. However earlier I was writing the children's Christmas cards and calm thought along the lines of "I won't be here to do this next year" crossed my mind since and the thing that worried me the most is how calm I was. I now can't shake this feeling of knowing that I won't be here next year and I can feel the anxiety rising. Does anyone else get this? Please tell me others get this as well, Am I going mad?

24-12-11, 00:09
Oh god, all the time. If im feeling calm and like things are going quite well, il suddenly have a thought that goes something like "ha, well dont get too smug cos you wont be here much longer" or just an inner voice telling me I have no idea of how bad things are going to get.
It is awful and the worst bit is the surprise of it.

My advice: just humour it and and laugh it off, ive had to learn to do that over time. Its your brain's way of keeping the anxiety in check because its the default state to go into...its almost as though when we're feeling calm part of our mind cant handle it and doesnt know what to do.

The more you disregard the thoughts, the less they happen I promise.

24-12-11, 02:12
Wow I thought I was the only one who got those intrusive/scary thoughts in my head. And just like you, it's popped up at the most random times. Although, I must admit I do not feel a sense a calm after.. I usually get very uneasy.

24-12-11, 16:03
As awful as it might be it's so relieving to here other people have this as well. Don't get me wrong I have been feeling odd ever since. I think your right Crystal just my brain keeping me on my toes. Clearly HA does like you to get too comfy. Thank you for your replies, they really have helped me.