View Full Version : Had abit of a shock last night...sent my anxieties skyrocketing

24-12-11, 10:59
Well, as i was falling asleep last night around midnight I recieved a text message from somebody who was a big part of my past.
He was a big obsession of mine, I loved him with all my heart but there were too many obstacles in the way and my health anxiety was at an all time high.

Anyway, I am the sort of person who, around this time of year gets sentimental and nostalgic about past loves and times.
This person contacted me and told me that I was beautiful and he missed me.

Now my head is all over the place and I need to stop the anxiety ruining christmas :(

william wallace
24-12-11, 11:15
Be careful.
Thats the kind of thing blokes do when thet have just been dumped/when they have'nt been getting any. You refer to him as "this person"? Do'nt let your heart rule your head.
I'm a bloke, been there, done that, not proud of myself:)

24-12-11, 11:17
yes my ex was like that....just one big USER!!! be very careful!

24-12-11, 11:46
Do you really think that's what it is?
I hate it when things like this happen :(

william wallace
24-12-11, 11:56
Hard to tell not knowing the circumstances but, it's the oldest trick in the book, getting in touch with exes when you're not getting any or you're feeling a bit lonesome coz you've just been dumped. No-one wants to be alone on the holidays.
You could text him back saying you'd like to meet up but warn him that you've put on a good few pounds since you last met:)

24-12-11, 12:45
maybe he had been drinking as well, so be careful you don't rush in and get hurt.

24-12-11, 15:15
Just send him a message back saying "Cheers mate, have a good Christmas" . . . You'll soon know if it was sincere.

24-12-11, 19:55
Just send him a message back saying "Cheers mate, have a good Christmas" . . . You'll soon know if it was sincere.

I can't think like that which is how normal people think...all i can think is I want to contact him. And I'm obsessing about him again.

william wallace
24-12-11, 20:52
Well if it's bugging you that much you should get in touch with him, but please, play hard to get, and dont let him take the piss.:whiplash:
Happy Christmas

25-12-11, 14:10
Why does this person automatically have to be a user or pervert? Oh right, he's male, which automatically makes him dodgy. If he's messaged you, it sounds like maybe he really does miss you. After all, you said you couldn't be together because of circumstances, not because there were problems with his behaviour.

Maybe I'm an optimist; but optimists believe that everything will be ok, and that is not a bad philosophy if you want to actually start enjoying life!

Good luck and merry Christmas :)

25-12-11, 19:38
Oh my god, similar thing has happened to me, a few months back I was 'seeing' a boy who I was totally falling for...we spent all the time together, anyway he ignored me one night,turns out he spent the night with his ex and they are now back together so I was heartbroken but obviously told him to piss off!! then he gets back intouch with me saying he misses me,and keeps randomly texting me late at night, I am guessing thats when his girlfriend isn't around! I am now obsessing about him big time but I know he is only bothering with me because he is lonely and he knows I cared for him.. Its horrid.

william wallace
25-12-11, 20:41
I cant see the part where anyone called him a pervert:shrug: