View Full Version : Exercise makes you dizzy?

24-12-11, 17:41
Hello everybody

I do a lot of sports and don't want to stop because I enjoy it too much however i find that it makes me dizzy and spaced out and then I just want to eat even though I am not hungry. I feel very uncomfortable If i don't eat and have to eat carbohydrates (lots of it) to make myself feel ok. If i eat a normal size that anybody would eat it's not enough and i have to have heavy foods to 'ground me'. ALos my anxeity is worse. Hence why i'm overweight

anybody know anything?

25-12-11, 15:19
i know what you are talking about. i do a lot of sports, and lately i've been feeling dizzyand spaced out afterwards... thats frustrating cause sport use to help me feel better, now it makes me feel worse

25-12-11, 17:33
Hi, just from what you've said, you're slightly overweight and when you work out you get tired, dizzy and need to eat more. I can't really see anything abnormal in that. If you're worried just have a checkup at your doctors. We don't stay young all our lives and increasing feelings of tiredness and lower levels of fitness accompany this, but generally if we do keep fit we won't feel fantastic while exercising.

Hope this helps.

25-12-11, 18:06
I might have come to the solution that as I do quite thuggish sports they tend to excite me and my body feels racing, increasing the anxiety. But i can't stop!!

Maxi - have there been any changes to your lifestyle? anything you could pinpoint it on? WHat sports do you do?

25-12-11, 18:30
i jog, lift weights and sometimes do spinning. been doing it for years.. i use to jog 5,6,7... all the way up to 10 km ,4-5 times per week, felt great.

in the last year after 2-3 km i begin to feel lightheaded and feel as I'm one step from a panic attack.

i checked my heart, twice. did an endurance test and a heart ultrasound. the doc said i'm in a great shape and whatever it is that bothers me, its not coming from the heart. anyways... after all that, the doc decided it is just another one of many anxiety symptoms i have.