View Full Version : scared :(

24-12-11, 20:35
Ok so a few days ago.. thursday i think i was dying my hair, when i washed it off i was leaning upside down for about 30 mins or longer and when i got up it wasnt an immediate head rush, but it made me go extremely dizzy and i really hurt my neck. My neck continued hurting for a few days but then it went back to normal, but i then developed constant dizzyness (which i have had for ages now) and head pressure, then a sore throat and then a cold or flu type thing :( Im so worried because i cant hear out my ears, they are itchy and they hurt, i can't breathe out of my nose and im just fed up.. could this mean a bleed to the brain, i can hardly walk without almost fainting.. thankyou x

24-12-11, 20:37
I think you have a cold coming on, that's all. If it was a brain bleed you would be really bad by now.

24-12-11, 20:41
Yeah ive got the cold at the moment, but my head is so pressured and i am so dizzy :( is that normal for a cold?

24-12-11, 20:47
Im quite new to this forum, but have been reading the posts for some time before joining. I too suffer HA, but it seems that you have numerous different symptoms not just every week but every day, and different ones through out the day too. Im sure that if you haven,t died of your many previous symptoms you will not die of your current ones. I think you should read your own posts. This i,m sure will put things into perspective for you.