View Full Version : loud noises

07-06-06, 08:29
if i hear a loud noise or have to walk past workmen drilling or fireworks etc, my heart starts beating fast and i feel jumpy. not only that but if i get excited over something thats about to happen on tv etc then i get the same sensations. its likie my nerves are shot to shreds.
does anyone else get this?
i have suffered panic and anxiety for a few years..is this the same type of thing?

marie ross
07-06-06, 08:38

I get exactly the same thing, even if a motorbike drives past me i jump out of my skin!!! If i'm having a bad day, someone only has to talk loud and i'm jumpy and my hearts just racing constantly. It's just a normal reaction to anxiety, wer're all just like scared little kittens sometimes!!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

07-06-06, 09:49
Hi ,

I was exactly like this ...like I was on red alert all the time. I even used to jump when the phone rang. It wasnt until I started feeling better that I realised how bad I had actually been. I dont jump so much now but my tolerance to noise generally is much lower, particularly when I'm stressed....its like one more stimulation that my body cant handle.

Take care

Coni X

07-06-06, 11:13
Hi Sassy,

I think we all get like this sometimes. Im always jumpy lol. But hopefully this annoying thing will pass for you.

Mandy x

07-06-06, 11:36
hi there its down to our over sensitized nerves...mine are in tatters...when i started with anxiety i couldnt even stand my little boys crying ..dog barking, whatever, would make me jump...im not as bad now but ive a long way to go...
it will get better

07-06-06, 13:17
thank you everyone. thought i was going mad (again). if my little one is having a bad day and screams..i feel like jumping thru the roof!!

i even avoid road works :S

dread november the 5th and even ny eve!

i can end up shaking from head to foot when its at its worse and people think im nuts.

07-06-06, 14:10
Yeah, I guess its quite common.

I jump when my mobile goes off, but am OK with the landline and most other sounds. Strange thing is - my mobile usually means a friend is calling me, so it should be positive!

I find that my skin is also very sensitive to pressure and heat - usually goes red.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers