View Full Version : Ordinary things that make me sad?

25-12-11, 04:59
I'm just curious if this happens to anyone else. It happens to me very frequently; it's more noticeable when I'm feeling like I'm in a slump (for me, "slumps" can last anywhere from a couple of days to a few weeks).

Anyway - I will do the simplest of things and just feel....sad. It's a very specific kind of sad. For example, I will go to a store and remember being there with my mother, father, friend, etc. I will then just start to feel really sorry for myself - I actually MISS myself, or rather, the version of myself that I was at that time.

I don't know if that makes any sense at all - I've had anxiety problems for years but I always think of that past version of myself as having it easier than the current version of me does. So I'll go to the park (another example), remember being there with my friends in high school, and think to myself "I didn't know how good I had it...I didn't know that I'd be blindsighted by college issues, work issues, friend issues, health anxiety, etc. etc." and then I will just feel really far down in the dumps, really sad, and really sorry for myself.

I'll also have times where I think to myself "just two weeks ago I was much happier, so hopeful, optimistic - and then _______ had to happen and now look where I am. Stuck, sad, alone, terrified. Why me?" and again, feeling sorry for myself.

Anyone else have something similar? Is this common at all or is my thought process just really messed up?

25-12-11, 08:16
That sounds pretty normal for an anxiety sufferer to me, I'm always living in th past saying "oh I was so happy, I loved that job" or "I loved school l, now look where I am, things were so simple back then" I think it's normal if you are unhappy with your situation to think like tht, it's completely normal and nothing to worry about, it's not just you, I'm sure a lot of people do it :) I'm told by my family that I live in the past too much, see we all do it :) xx

25-12-11, 10:16
Yep, fellings can range from a gentle sadness to total devastation. I've learned in CBT that for me, this is linked to dependence on other people; I struggle to cope without constant reassurance, so when I'm having to leave my family or girlfriend to go to work for example, it is normal to be very upset by it. Sounds like there may be something similar going on for you: you took great comfort in good memories, and their absence leaves you feeling a bit gutted.

But when we're in a generally good mood and the anxiety abates, the sadness tends not to seem so important, does it? The situations in which the sadness occurs are the clue (and usually the key) to resolving it.

25-12-11, 10:23
Poppy I really understand what you are saying, and Psychopoet as well, I am exactly the same. I go to a place and have the exact same thoughts, about the past, I also spend a lot of time thinking about the past, before anxiety was a problem.

Agree that when the anxiety has not been as bad the sadness does not seem to affect me, and I live more normally in the present.

Must be common with anxiety sufferers.

25-12-11, 11:47
Yes I identify as well. I used to laugh until I cried when I was younger. I can actually remember the last time I did that and it was 8 years ago.

I think when you lose someone close in death that happens all the time as well.