View Full Version : Jobseekers interview tipped me over

25-12-11, 11:43
I've been seeing my GP for depression since Oct. Medication not making much of a dent in it, says she will up it in New Year if no improvement by then. I have some OK days then seen to go really low the next day. Have noticed that whenever I am in a position of decision making I fall apart.

On Fri I had to go to a meeting to apply for Jobseekers allowance after s/employed work dried up. I am a single homeowner. To say the whole thing was humiliating was an understatement. The whole thing seems designed to rob you of any pride or dignity. I had to sign agreements to say I would be proactive and take whatever job I could find. I had to agree to all sorts of actions I have to take each week and really struggled not to cry in front of the advisor. When I got out I howled for hours and have taken a real nosedive this past 2 days.

I don't feel able to live up to anything i agreed to. Having just asked for help with depression after 7 years of ups and downs I really need space to just get my head together and deal with the meds and therapy to start next month. I feel under huge pressure now to get a full time job asap - a. because money is running out fast and b. because I have signed up to this benefit. The joke is I'll only actually get £180 a month from them in the end which wont pay anything much billwise and I'm thinking I might just as well not go through with it. Somedays I feel I could cope with a job, others I cry all day.

I have equity in my house and am wondering if I should just sell it and rent somewhere for a while to sort my head out. Too many decisions and no space or ability to make them. My friend who is my rock at the moment says 'take a day at a time' but that doesnt pay bills or bring in money.

Sorry, this has got long - offloading I suppose.

25-12-11, 11:48
them people are pest dont agree to them if you cant do it tell them yoou cant
and if thay still push and push you
report them
dont let people bully you
god bless

26-12-11, 11:02
was no coincidence that i had a breakdown 2 weeks after signing on for jobseekers, I felt humiliated, treated the same as the scroungers, despite the fact I have my own business and just needed some extra help through the winter period.

I signed off and found myself another job, they are useless, and i only got £42 for about 3 hours of wasted journeys, and using my fuel. Disgraceful that you get treated the same as the people who are scrounging of the state. In fact I witnessed those people getting treated better for some reason.

I was left to sit on a chair for 1 1/2 hours, in the end I walked out.

Anyway, don;t let the b*atards treat you like this, you can report them.

Being on the dole can add to bad self esteem so sometimes its just not worth it, in my case it wasn't.