View Full Version : xmas anxiety!

25-12-11, 13:54
aarrgh not a big fan of xmas anyway but today im struggling, only got a small family but im stressing and i have no idea why....heart racing, retching, feel wiped out......
Need to relax big time.....

happy xmas everyone and hope you all stay anxiety free.....

25-12-11, 14:22
I know how you feel. Theres to many people around and there all really happy and i've locked my self in my bedroom in tears. I can't cope with it lol. I feel like i'm dying :'(
i know its not much advice just to know that you are not alone.
Roll on Jan 2nd if im still alive then !

25-12-11, 16:39
I feel the same as the two of you... Can't wait for Jan 2nd!! Didn't even make it to the family Christmas party because I'm feeling so full of anxiety. I always feel sick, wih aches a d pain, but it seems to be even worse with all the holiday madness. I just finished watching my daughter open her gifts (which was lovely) but I'm back in bed feeling wiped out too.. I hope you both start feeling better soon! Xx

25-12-11, 18:23
Its a shame isnt it.
Hope you feel better soon aswell x

---------- Post added at 18:23 ---------- Previous post was at 16:52 ----------

for example i told my family i cant go out to buy gifts as im too anxious and i didnt want anything for xmas at all but they didnt listen and i got told buy my family to suck it up and get on with it and i dont have an anxiety disorder appreatnly :/.
i feel like theyve all invaded my space and i dont like it at all.
i keep pinching my self to try and calm down.
hope your both feeling better x

25-12-11, 18:27
I have reAlly bad Christmas anxiety I can't be doing with all the people.. I feel like I'm losing my mind and I'm anxious because I can't get hold of my gp as its Christmas and I just feel like sonething bad is gonna happen to me :( its horrible I understand how you all feel xxxx

26-12-11, 10:40
hi, good to hear to from some other people, i tried to calm myself down all day, really struggled with my meal, could only manage tiny pieces and felt bad as mum had worked hard, drank wine to try and calm me!
it eased a little through the day and some others came round, took a sleeping pill last night!
cant wait to get back to normal, although then its my birthday...and im assuming that will be just the same!
happy boxing day all,....