View Full Version : anxiety for 7 years, new here!

25-12-11, 15:15
hello everybody! my name is Max, i'm 24, suffer from anxiety for the last 7 years. actually, when i think about it, it all started when i was 7 or 8 years old, only i was too young to understand.

to make a long story short, my anxiety makes me feel like crap. usually i feel dizzy, lightheaded, like i'm living in a dream, my eyes hurt and so on.. usually, those sensations are with me from the moment i wakeup and untill i go to bed. non stop...

during the last 7 years i had a lot of good days, and a lot of bad days. but the last year has been a nightmare... i constantly feeling those sensations, even now while i'm writing this..

just want to hear it from someone again, does anyone else know what i'm talking about? does anyone esle had those feelings\sensations going on 24\7?

25-12-11, 15:18
Hi, I think you'll find that about 100% of us here know what you mean :)

Well you've taken a few steps towards eventual recovery, so welcome and merry Christmas :)