View Full Version : Help!!!!!!!!

07-06-06, 10:43
I'm so fed up and down! I've just had a major panic attack in Asda's. I was feeling positive when i went. My daughter has a new top from George at asda and i thought i would go and try n get one the same.
Nice day sunshining feeling excited. Decided to take the car as my husband didn't need it today (1st mistake probably as i am not very confident at driving as i don't keep it up and passed ny test 20 yr ago) Got into Asda felt a bit alone (hubby and daughters away for day and my mother gone on hols) carried on to the clothes.
Do have a problem with asda at the best of time think i'm floating off the floor when get near the clothes rail and floor is all speckles. Anyway felt alone but tried to look then had this massive whoosh of dizziness and thought i was a gonner. Wanted to grab someone and shout HELP get me out alive and to the door asap. I also had rushing through my head i still had the car to think off and i was totally alone collapsing in Asda. I am so so fed up and think y can't i just have a good life instead of year after year of torment with this. [?][Sigh...]

07-06-06, 10:54
Hi Suzuki.

First I think you need to congratulate yourself on being brave enough to go to Asda in the first place. You drove, by yourself, you need a pat on the back well done. But you didnt die in asda else you wouldnt be here so you survived another pa well done. I think sometimes we put ourselves down too much when theres enough people in this world to do that for us. You did well.

Mandy xx

07-06-06, 11:08
HI suzuki
You did fantastic to get into the shop anyway.... but i know how you feel i often think how can they just go and do that and it doesnt send them into total panic.Try to think about the positive that you drove alone and got into the shop alone you did more than what i can you should be proud and just see the last bit as a little blimp because till then you had done fantastic:D i know its hard to keep positive i really do but dont let it get you down anymore than what it does
take care cheryl xx

07-06-06, 11:08
well done and i think the same as the above people

07-06-06, 11:41
hi there i feel exactly the same my biggest problem/fear is that im gonna go dizzy and collapse...well done for going into asda keep it up as that is how we are gonna overcome this...i too have to force myself to go places and i get the dizzy head rushing feeling...i hope one day this torment goes and we can live"normally" again
take care

07-06-06, 11:46
Hiya Suzuki,

Well it sounds to me like you coped very well, so far (touch wood [:o)]) i have never suffered from pa's in a shop so i wouldnt know what its like.

Well done you.


07-06-06, 11:49
Hi suzuki,

I agree with the others....although it may not feel like it you really are moving in the right direction by not letting this beat you. And you showed great courage to drive even though you felt unsure of taking the car...and on your own too! You deserve a big pat on the back.

I think sometimes its hard to see the positives for ourselves (which is where this site comes into its own), but you're doing really well. Sometimes it feels like one step forward and two steps back doesnt it?

You've still got the rest of this lovely day to enjoy so be kind to yourself and go chill...do something nice just for you as a reward for being so brave!

Take care

Coni X

07-06-06, 11:55
his suzuki! dont be to hard on yourself hey! you may feel awful but u got thru it didn't you? your still here and you didn'y collapse in asda it was the panic making you think you would. I know how you feel mind, I hate going to the supermarket and only go when I really need too! asda is one of my worst shops also along with primark, tk max arrhhh! If I cant see the exit or theres not enough natural light I think im going to loose it, its awful. Also as said above it doesn't help that you see others breezing along without a care in the world which just makes you feel worse.tc xx
