View Full Version : blood clot?

25-12-11, 19:41
the last two days i have spent inside with family and have moved but not much- we've just sat talking and today i sat in odd positions and got lots of pins and needles and now a pain in one calf.
ive sat down watching rubbish on tele for 4 hours now.
yesterday i was up and down a lot indoors but today not so much and im very worried.

---------- Post added at 19:32 ---------- Previous post was at 19:17 ----------

it is very painful. i fear not that i have one now but i will develop one.

---------- Post added at 19:41 ---------- Previous post was at 19:32 ----------

can the way that you sit cause pains in legs and a tingly foot that are not necassilry a clot?
ive sat in a bad position all day long and had tingles because of it all day.
the pain is in one spot on my left calf.
im in my room pacing around at the moment.

25-12-11, 19:58
It sounds like you've just got pins and needles to me. That happens if you sit in one position for a long time. It's not harmful.

25-12-11, 23:14
Thanks. Its not really proper pins and needles- just sort of the odd tingle every few minutes.
Its just runing christmas for me at the moment x
Im actually looking forward to going back to college so i have something to stimualte my mind and help with the anxiety! :)

---------- Post added at 23:14 ---------- Previous post was at 20:00 ----------

also one back tooth is bleeding. i brush my teeth properly twice a day. its been hurting for a while now so whats wrong with it :( it feels funny aswell after brushing. im so scared of pain from tooth decay. it started this morning. sometimes ive had pain there to.

25-12-11, 23:44

Going to try to give you good advice here....


You don't have a fatal illness, you are not going to die, you are NOT ill...

You have HA and you are letting it take over your life!! Don't let it because you are a young healthy teenager with your whole life ahead of you huni so kick it right up the ass.


26-12-11, 08:25
I am with Lisa above !

Emma, You need to accept that it is Health Anxiety that you have and not any illness/disease/physical medical problem.

You need to spend time trying to learn to reassure yourself rather than asking others to do so. There are so many kind people who will always try and reassure you that you don't have a blood clot. However, unless you build the coping skills to rationalise the situation and reassure yourself, there will be another medical problem tomorrow and another the next day, and so on. I understand where you are at, when I was a teenager I had the same issues, but HA wasn't something that was talked about then or understood in the same way.

You are in the grips of anxiety today about a slightly tingly leg, that is of course not a blood clot. I had something similar Christmas eve, tingling from my thigh to my calf and pain in that area, but I thought about it briefly and realised it was caused by kneeling down for hours the day before, on the floor, wrapping presents (or it could have been that I fell down the stairs and stumbled twisting my ankle the day before :blush:). Then I forgot it and the next day it was gone.

The human body does have twinges and twitches and responds to things you do. It is an amazingly complex 'machine', and to expect it to never have a few minor muscle pains, tingles, swollen bits, sore bits etc. is not realistic. The good news is that the human body is also 'designed' to heal and is very resilient to things, so your tingling in the leg will no doubt be gone very soon. You have kind of started doing the process, as you say 'I was sat in some odd positions' but then jump to it being an extraordinarily unlikely blood clot, rather than it being minor compressed nerves or muscle or joint strain.

I am not trying to be harsh with you, just saying what I wish someone had said to me 30 years ago.

26-12-11, 10:36
Thank you both.
Lisa- thats exactly what i needed and yes it did help so thank you :) I don't know why i assume it would be a blood clot (in my head i know it isnt and i know im not going to die.. well i will some day thats for sure... but i just keep thinking "what if" got to try to stop it! )
I can't get over the bleeding gum though as i brush my teeth properly twice a day now and have had no bleeding for over a month! and now bleeding from one back tooth.

26-12-11, 11:14
At your age it is more than likely either a wisdom tooth coming through, this could push the other back tooth and make it bleed

26-12-11, 11:17
I do agree with the others though, you have very severe health anxiety, not anything majorly physically wrong with you, you can see this by how many posts you make, particularly about the boiler etc... There are only so many times people can reassure you on here, but that isnt a long term solution as you are waking up the next day with the same worries.

You mentioned you are seeing your GP in the new year - this time go to them and tell them about your HA and get some medication, if your mum finds it and throws it out, go back to the doc and get some more. You need to take control of this now and ignore what your parents think about it

26-12-11, 16:27
I agree with you aswell and if it was anyone else wrtiting what i do i would say the same thing.
I've made the app for the GP but i can not for the life of me remember what the origiganl reason was for the app. some ache or pain but i can't remember but i wanted the app anyway so that doesnt matter.
I have noticed on a lower gum it is torn and black in the middle. dentist has seen this before and mentioned nothing of it but the tear (its all flappy) has got worse BUT overall i actually feel a lot better today than the past few days and that is quite unusual for me. I'm actually glad to have more family coming later and tommorow and then im off to my aunts Wednesday and i wasn't at all happy about them invading my "space" the last couple of days.

---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 ----------

except for i was at my friends washing my face and something white got on my hands of the tap and i swallowed. looked like a piece of soap but i cant be sure and no idea were it came from.
wish i could stop worrying about little things like that

26-12-11, 17:08
The best way to test for a blood clot (i have seen a doctor doing that) is to measure your calf (use a string around the circumference and then measure it) and compare it with the size of your other calf. Unless your calf is swollen, it is extremely unlikely that you have a clot. Also, calves tend to get really hot when that happens.

One of my friend had it and her pain was pretty unbearable for a few hours, so relax... this, too, shall pass.


26-12-11, 17:16
I can't get over the bleeding gum though as i brush my teeth properly twice a day now and have had no bleeding for over a month! and now bleeding from one back tooth.

OK, well this is a good niggle to start working on your coping strategies with........

I imagine you think there is something majorly wrong causing a gum to bleed. Lets think about the a rational much more likely simple reason...

1. Something you ate slightly cut the gum.
2. You brushed rather hard and made it bleed.
3. A wisdom tooth is coming through at the back.

All the above are nothing to worry about, they will resolve themselves and happen to millions of people every single day.

26-12-11, 23:20
Thanks. Well its not my wisdom tooth that came threw 4 years ago there. probs brushed it to hard lol- even though it is painful there sometimes x
like i have pain there now and its panicking me. i cant cope with painful tooth decay.

---------- Post added at 20:01 ---------- Previous post was at 19:02 ----------

its also sore and senstive to press against and leaves behind a pain after there (only touched it once now)
rest of gums dont leave behind a pain after :( i really hate this life.
my tooth is rotting :( or its something else

---------- Post added at 20:21 ---------- Previous post was at 20:01 ----------

also the tear in gum and black bit in it ( a different gum) its been getting worse slowly (dentist seen it 2 months ago) and its got worse
so sore to press against the bleeding gum.

---------- Post added at 20:58 ---------- Previous post was at 20:21 ----------

im fed up of thinking its ruddy cancer. as i get pain around my nose aswell. :(

---------- Post added at 23:20 ---------- Previous post was at 20:58 ----------

I can't get it out of my brain.

26-12-11, 23:33
Hey Emma forgive me for being frank but I really feel for you. I've read a few of your posts on here and I think you need to perhaps find a way to maybe move out. Your parents arent supporting you in the way that you deserve as an adult and actually as a human being. I read on your other thread that your mum threw your medication away and that she hits you sometimes...this isnt going to help with your anxiety and other worries and I think you could be stronger away from them.
Sorry if this sounds interfering but I just really feel for you, and I relate to things youve said about being bullied etc :weep: It isnt nice and you need loving, supportive parents to come home to, not ones who physically harm you and tell you what medicine you're allowed to take.

26-12-11, 23:38
I agree.I go to bed at night thinking of ways to move out and the only way is to do well in my a levels and go to uni- I cant think of any other way out of this mess. :)
I have a massive headache tonight and its all stress from the day and my muscles 100 per cent ache all the time. She found my prescritpion and medicince (i hadnt started them i was hesitatiing at the same time and she told me there was no need for them)
I was 17 at the time so couldnt use being 18 as an excuse but she got mad once that now im over 16 my medical records are no longer her business.

I have been using a year old brush the last year and it was worn to pieces and ive started using a new one today and its making my gums bleed and it hurts to use :(. has the old brush not been cleaning my teeth properly.

26-12-11, 23:53
Emma new toothbrushes always make your gums bleed (well mine do anyway), its normal :)

Has your mum always been like this?

26-12-11, 23:58
I've read a few of your posts on here and I think you need to perhaps find a way to maybe move out.


I would either sit Mum and Dad down (without any interruptions or siblings!) and discuss the anxiety - tell them, calmly, that you want to talk about things properly. Try and get a relative (an aunty, an older cousin or a gran) on your side - or even a teacher or doctor.

If that doesn't help, take Mum with you to the GP.

Your mum has no right to hit you, it's a daft way of solving things. My mum and I have done xyz to each other but it makes no difference to the argument.

She cannot dictate what medication you take, that is up to you.

What I would also say is that health anxiety - whilst it does not feel like it - is ultimately under your control. You *can* solve it. You need to find the motivation to solve it and you need to have the confidence and the belief that you can fix this. Go and see the doctor and tell them what is happening. Tell them about your worries, your family's attitude etc. See the GP on account of the anxiety first and foremost - I see mine now as a support for mental health, a good gossip lol, a check up thing on illnesses but I no longer see her for every second symptom that crops up.

You are noticing symptoms because you are you are looking for them. If you stop looking, you will find that you only notice what you ought to. Your body has a good way of alarming you to what needs to be so you are safe as it goes, you just need to relax the alarm I suppose. Think of it like a toaster that keeps setting off the smoke alarm. The alarm will still notice if there's a fire but it needs adjusted so it picks up only what you need to - just like your own alarm system.

See if you can access CBT or similar - or medication (has turned my life around for now). There is a way out of this, a life of fear and worry is no way to live honest. You are still a teenager (I'm twenty one in July, aaargh!) so make the most of it. Get a part time job if you can, get looking into college or uni and see what you can do. Don't let this awful difficulty beat you - you need to beat it!

You remind me very much of me and I think if you go through my old posts you will see some similar ones to your own.

Lots of thoughts to you - hope all's OK, and hope you have had a lovely Christmas!

Just read your most recent post - yes, yes, yes to the A Levels and Uni :D

Maybe keep a diary each week. Start on Monday - write your symptoms. Tuesday - write your symptoms. etc. and Friday check what happened. You'll soon know what's worth worrying about - if something persists from Monday to Friday even with relaxation and distraction, get it checked but if not, you're fine.

And get a CO monitor. You get little ones from Amazon for less than £5. They change colour with the gas, put it in your room in a wee private place (but not in a cupboard) and check it every now and again. No need for Mum nor Dad to know, your mail is your private business.

28-12-11, 22:22
Carys- yes mum has always been like this x

Daisy- Thank you for your post. I agree with it- need to finf right moment to speak to parents... Thanks for your advice. Im seeing doc on the Jan 3rd.

when i brush teeth it leaves one gum sore and bloody just one part. and when you touch it is sore to touch aswell. and you can feel it after brushing there (a feeling) for ages. im so scared its cancer or decay :( or something bad. it has to be. what about an infection. yesterday i was dizzy and headache for ages. (at the same time, once headache went dizziness did)
and the feeling is like having a plaster stuck there and a loose gum feeling after. I am so so scared right now :( (i was about to go to bed and now can not go to bed)

---------- Post added at 22:06 ---------- Previous post was at 22:05 ----------

its just that part of gum like it and it bleeds. but why i brush them twice a day properly. im so upset about it :(

---------- Post added at 22:09 ---------- Previous post was at 22:06 ----------

I have noticed on a lower gum it is torn and black in the middle. dentist has seen this before and mentioned nothing of it but the tear (its all flappy) but its gotten worse. another sign :(
wish i could think this wasnt cancer.
the bleeding one is about three from the back but the wisdom tooth came through 3 years ago there so its not that :(

---------- Post added at 22:22 ---------- Previous post was at 22:09 ----------

why did this happen :(

28-12-11, 22:31
Carys- yes mum has always been like this x

Daisy- Thank you for your post. I agree with it- need to finf right moment to speak to parents... Thanks for your advice. Im seeing doc on the Jan 3rd.

when i brush teeth it leaves one gum sore and bloody just one part. and when you touch it is sore to touch aswell. and you can feel it after brushing there (a feeling) for ages. im so scared its cancer or decay :( or something bad. it has to be. what about an infection. yesterday i was dizzy and headache for ages. (at the same time, once headache went dizziness did)
and the feeling is like having a plaster stuck there and a loose gum feeling after. I am so so scared right now :( (i was about to go to bed and now can not go to bed)

---------- Post added at 22:06 ---------- Previous post was at 22:05 ----------

its just that part of gum like it and it bleeds. but why i brush them twice a day properly. im so upset about it :(

---------- Post added at 22:09 ---------- Previous post was at 22:06 ----------

I have noticed on a lower gum it is torn and black in the middle. dentist has seen this before and mentioned nothing of it but the tear (its all flappy) but its gotten worse. another sign :(
wish i could think this wasnt cancer.
the bleeding one is about three from the back but the wisdom tooth came through 3 years ago there so its not that :(

---------- Post added at 22:22 ---------- Previous post was at 22:09 ----------

why did this happen :(

I'm glad you agree.

You very much probably do not have cancer of any kind. Brushing your teeth and continuously checking is bound to hurt them. It is most likely that you are brushing too hard once and then upsetting the already sore and fragile teeth the next time.

It is worth seeing a dentist if you are sore to get some pain relief and appropriate treatment for the sore bit but there is no need to worry about serious mouth problems. They tend only to occur in older people with a history of drinking alcohol all the time and smoking.

Jan 3rd isn't long, that's good. Hopefully you can get reffered to the mental health services for some help.

They why does this happen - is that a why to why you are anxious, or are you simply jumping to conclusions that you are *definitely* ill?

28-12-11, 22:46
thanks- i get pain in nose sometimes n around it. also my dizzy headache yesterday.... ive heard of people thinking they have sinus issues and its a tumor... i get random nose pain n pressure.

i meant why do sypmtoms that mimic illness occur x
cant wait to see the doc lol.

30-12-11, 17:14
Today i have a massive headache/pains around nose again and dizziness along with it. as soon as the headache goes the dizziness goes.
my lower gum feels loose and my upper gum still hurts.
i have the nose thing all the time. i am so scared this is cancer :( it hurts so bad around my nose

---------- Post added at 17:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

i also really desperatly feel like i want to throw up and keep yawning all of the time and my eyes ache :(.
this has to be something

30-12-11, 21:15
its not even allthe time. it is just sometimes when im not anxious

30-12-11, 21:19
Emma I think this could be tmj possibly, I have this and i amam constantly having problems with my teeth, gums, dizziness, jaw and headaches and sninus issues. You'll be okay, i get ssome extrmeky wierd sympotoms that are ununexplainable your don't need to worry lol :)

31-12-11, 17:46
Thank you Beth xx :)

01-01-12, 12:34
Today my teared gum which ive had for months and has been getting worse is bleeding today. dentist just said its a gap between teeth but its got worse and deeper and further down.

01-01-12, 14:49
Hi Emma.
I have certain areas in my mouth which get really sore for no reason. I also get certain spots that bleed, and I have a wobbly tooth too, however I have been to the dentist several times, had thorough examinations and even X-rays and he assures me that my gums are really healthy and there's no problem with my mouth at all.
We all get things from time to time, anywhere in our bodies that hurt or cause problems but it doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong.
I think you need to trust the dentist and try to ignore it.

01-01-12, 18:36
Thank you.
I'll just ignore it x