View Full Version : Buffet food

25-12-11, 21:57
Just wondering, is it ok to eat buffet food thats been left out without foil on all afternoon? My other half has been eating gammon and turkey, and he's talking sausage rolls, sausages and porkpies to eatin the middle of the night to work.

Thank you

26-12-11, 00:10
It's OK up to 4 hours. After that starts getting dodgy!

26-12-11, 11:31
Would we know by now if it was dodgy? He's still in bed from his nightshift, but hasn't stirred or been to bathroom so he's not ill.

26-12-11, 16:57
I don't understand what you're worrying about if your partner isn't ill?

26-12-11, 17:03
The worst that could happen is a couple of days of diarrhoea!

I would not worry too much about it unless it has been left there for days...

I have been eating take away pizza for breakfast that has spent the night in my living room for years, and I am still alive :)

27-12-11, 17:11
Try to go to a busy place. That way, a lot of people are eating the food, so they have to replace it with fresh stuff a lot.