View Full Version : Anxiety attack??

cheesy pete
26-12-11, 01:57

Just need to sit down and write something. Drifted off to sleep and about an hour ago woke up with a horrible sensation. Couldn't stop burping and felt like it was coming out of somebody else's body and not even mine!!

Went downstairs to see if my brother was still awake and ended up going to wake him and talk to him for 5-10 minutes as i felt like everything was going out of control. Suffer from a hiatus hernia, haven't exactly had the best of diets today and really suffering for it now. Kids were alseep and i am so frightened that something will happen to me whilst they are asleep. I know this is all stupid but i can't get these thoughts out of my head and it scares me beyond belief. Going to be up for hours now but needed to write something. Thanks to everyone for being out there...

26-12-11, 10:53
I can sympathise because I've been eating all sorts of rubbish over Christmas and it's affected my sleep as well. I don't know much about hernias but it sounds like you have to be careful there. Throw alcohol into the mix and everything goes a bit haywire. There's so much excess at Christmas and everything goes into overdrive.
Hope things settle down a bit for you soon, and for me.