View Full Version : Will my future child inherit my intrusive thoughts?

26-12-11, 14:11

28-12-11, 06:50

I just wanted to say that, my youngest son, who is now 25, has been suffering with the exact same thing as you have for a few years now ....... it nearly drove him mad! He has now been able to kind of control it when it gets bad, but I'll tell you, it's hard! WE do everything we can to help, and he gets through it. But, this is very hard and stressful, so I know what you mean. Don't feel alone, I think one of the worst things in the world, is to feel alone, as if nobody understands ... but that's why I wanted to say this to you, that our son has this also. These very UNWANTED bad thoughts seem to just invade his mind, and he can't get rid of them .... the way I helped him was to make sure he talked out all his feelings and thoughts early on, when they would begin...NOT to let them build up! That's bad. So, at first, for the first year or so, we would talk, CONSTANTLY ....for hours, everyday, and all night long ...he would get out all these thoughts adn feelings ......... I told him, it has a lot to do with your hormones and blood chemicals, which it does, and if they change somewhat, it affects your thoughts .... he began to realize that this wasn't just him, that he wasn't "bad", and that it WILL change, with time ..... everything changes. The more he understood what was happening to him, the more he could control it, and NOT take it to heart, NOT take it so seriously ...... I told him, that during those times, DO NOT BELIEVE YOURSELF ! .... meaning, realize that probably at that moment, some sort of blood chemical change is happening, for whatever reason, which is causing these thoughts that we all have really, to be magnified and intensified. He learned to eat the right foods, and cut out certain other foods ..... he found out that walking on the beach by our house, is very theraputic, and tries to do this as often as possible ... it sort of clears his mind...and gets out anxiety. Many times, to this day, he will tell me he feels like screaming his head off (well, so do I half the time, with my own anxieties), but we talk, he remembers the blood chemicals play a role, and things start to calm down .... I also message his back, and his head, to help him relax, which seems to work wonders! ;Yeah, so, this CAN be tamed, but you have to understand what's happening right then, and how to deal with it...otherwise, like him, you'll feel like it's this big huge horrible monster that you can't control, no matter what.....that it will overwhelm you and destroy you, or someone you love. Believe me, he had thoughts of that too! So, don't feel alone, try to remember that also, depending on what you ate that day, (or DIDN'T eat) has a lot to do with our thoughts, because it affects our blood chemisty, which affects the brain ... also, if your low on certain vitamns or minerals, this also affects the brain and our thoughts ....so, when this happens, remember all of this.......and sort of "let it pass", if you take anything like xanax (like I do), then take it then.........but keep in mind, this can change, you don't have to be burdened with this problem, you CAN master it ........... it just takes time and knowledge of what's happening to you ... like so many other things really.
I hope this helps ........:hugs: