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View Full Version : Kinda freaking out - Can stress cause memory problems?

26-12-11, 15:22
Ok, I've been under a lot of stress and worry the last few months. This morning I was going to get out the vacumn cleaner to vacumn the living room. I was putting a couple things away first, went to get the vacumn and it wasn't there. I thought my husband had taken it out of the utility closet where we always keep it. It wasn't there, I almost called him to ask what he had done with it. Then I walked into the living room and it was already in there all plugged in and ready to go. I honestly don't remember getting it out of the closet. Am I losing it? Im only 49. I feel like just taking a xanax and lying down because I feel so worried now that something is wrong with my memory. I have been taking xanax a lot lately, not everyday, but a few times a week. Maybe that is causing my memory problems? Or maybe I was just doing too many things at once?

26-12-11, 16:15
Lol... don't worry you're not alone. I do that quite a lot when I'm anxious about stuff, even if I'm just tired. I think it's just you let yourself become preoccupied with other stuff as is the way with being anxious.

Couple of months back I thought someone had stolen my car, I couldn't for the life of me remember putting it back in the garage. I've lost count of the number of times I've put a cup of tea or coffee down and not been able to find it.

26-12-11, 16:21
Thanks, I guess I'm just over re-acting. I watched my mother in law suffer from dementia and I guess it just freaked me out. I just don't remember taking the vacumn out of the closet. I guess I did have a lot on my mind at the time.

26-12-11, 16:24
well i hardly ever feel stressed and my memory is terrible. I barely know what day of the week it is

26-12-11, 16:33
Hello from London

I have this problem all the time, especially when I am stressed.

I used to be really obsessed with it and I thought I was getting early-onset dementia. Sometimes I am like 'did i have a shower this morning?', I also misplace my keys daily.

You must try to rationalise a little but and try to ignore this, as it is normal in people with anxiety and particularly if you are on medication.

It is so easy to work yourself up into a frenzy and get freaked out about something that has no medical significance whatsoever.

Use your energy in trying to stop freaking out, as in opposed to worrying about it...

Easier said than done, I am going through a 'I have colon cancer stage' just because my tail bone hurts (I fell on it...) Anxiety is a pain!


26-12-11, 18:12
Anxiety and depression especially clinical depression effect your memory and panic attacks effect long and short term memory. Also medications can depending on what you are on of course..
My memory has been bad for years but it does not mean there is anything seriously wrong with your brain if you forget things! it is to do with stress hormones in the brain disrupting neuro net works namely brain chemistry so fear not you are not going crazy or senial : )

take care...

03-01-12, 20:33
Hi hun :D:hugs:y

Stress alone, can cause us to forget things, our minds are sooo full of other things, we tend to not focus on the job in hand.

I myself have been under a lot of stress, things been going on in life, lots to do.

I went to the shops to buy bread, picked up some dougnuts AND THEN, :ohmy: walked out the shop without paying :ohmy::blush: got out the door and stopped :blush::blush: about faced and walked back in to pay for the stuff :blush:

I said to hubby, if you get call in work to say, come and pick up your wife, shes been shop lifting BELIEVE IT LOL :roflmao:

I know why it happened, my mind was somewhere else at the time, it will NOT happen again, Mmmm or will it :shrug:

I have done other things over this past year, regarding my memory, I have put it down to 2 things, stress or my hormones Mmm but I do feel that its manily when I am stressed.

I myself just laugh it off,

hope this has helped, even if its just knowing your not alone.



03-01-12, 21:49
I find myself doing things like this a lot when i am anxious and even when i am not :ohmy:

I do silly things like put the coffee in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard, i even forget how to drive sometimes, only for a split second but still its like my mind has forgotten. Stress and an over anxious body and mind is behind this.. :hugs: