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07-06-06, 13:10
How often do you see your doctor with anxiety?

Is anybody like me and gets embarrassed as I have to go every month?

07-06-06, 13:12
Rarely, because im scared. Im going next week, but to talk about the anxiety, and only because im fine at the moment & dont think ive got something wrong.

07-06-06, 13:23

Just like you I get embarassed on go at least once a month - Not to mention my telephone calls / dashes to A&E[:I][:I][:I]

It seems to help I think to have medical assurance that this is anxiety and not "something else"

Wendy x

07-06-06, 13:27
I didint use to believe them anyway Wendy, my poor doc, she was so wonderful, put up with me there every week, but had to send me for tests to put my mind at rest years ago. When the consultant at the hospital told me i had I.B.S i felt so ashamed. I was able to believe him because he was higher up in his job i guess. [:I]

07-06-06, 14:46
when i first started to suffer with anxiety i was at doc's every week for one thing or another. in fact my husband did joke that i had a chair reserved for me.
now i am down to once or twice a month. before i had anxiety the only time i was ever there was if i took one of my children...
i must say tho my doctor is very good and very patient and i think that helps.

07-06-06, 22:19

I used to see my doctor once a month now its once every three months, lately though ive felt like i needed to go sooner.


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

07-06-06, 22:19
i seem to have the reverse. i find going to see the doctor an absolutely horrifying experience, and wont go unless i absolutely must. it's same with the dentist. i'm nearly 20, though i still insist on bringing my mum with me. i often work myself into such a state that she will have to do the talking for me. i feel its because i cant handle the thought of bad news. does anyone else have this?


07-06-06, 22:42
Yes Calico, didnt used to, but now i avoid dentists and doctors like the plague.

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

07-06-06, 22:49
i can relate. what made you begin to avoid them? did it come with your health anxiety, and are your problems recent?


18-07-08, 11:52
Hi Calico,

In fact I get very anxious when going to the doc,especiallywhen im being examined I get palpitations. Also when the Doc/Nurse take my blood pressure, I get palpitations. Very helpless u know!


18-07-08, 12:12
I rarely go to the docs unless my kids need to go or I really have to.

I hadn't been for about a year until this latest episode of anxiety - I had to do something about it as I was really struggling and needed medication.

Jo x

18-07-08, 13:02
I get VERY embarrassed that i have to go to the dr once a month, i come out of there with a prescription for 6 different lots of tablets every month:blush: and I am even more embarrassed having to go in the chemist and get them. As for the anxiety, it causes me to get anxious doing all of that so all in all it's a vicious circle:shrug:

19-07-08, 12:23

when i first started with anxiety and panic attacks i was there every day. I feel so ashamed now looking back but to be honest at the time i really thought there was something really wrong with me as i had never suffered with anything like this in my life

I hardly see my doc now

Anna x

19-07-08, 18:21
i never ever go to the docs. like calico i find it the most utterly terrifying thing. i didnt used to be like that. it never used to worry me seeing the doc at all. but in the last 6 months i seem to have developed an enormous phobia. infact its got so bad that i had to take my daughter to the docs a few weeks ago and i was in a right state just being in the waiting room, and i didnt even have to see the doctor!!!!!
i think this all stems from being very poorly in november and ending up in hospital. since then i just cant cope with docs or dentists at all, i even feel a bit freaked in a chemist!!!

21-07-08, 10:48
I put once an month down, but it depends on my frame of mind.

A year or so ago it would of been once a week or more, but not as often now

Worried worrier!
21-07-08, 20:16
i'm Often At The Doctors!
i Had To Go 3 Times In The Past Two Weeks For My Panic And Ocd And They Are So Helpful. I Always Worry If There's Something Wrong And If It Doesn't Get Better Quickly I Get Anxious And Go To Them Again And Again. Luckily They Are Always Understanding And Often Put Me At Ease.
just Seeing The Doctor Often Helps My Anxiety As I Feel As Though I'm In Safe Hands.

31-07-08, 09:24

I never used to go to my GP, but now I suffer with Panic Attacks I have been going once a month I know how you guys feel I feel ashamed and as though I am wasting my GP's time but I just need the reassurance I guess

Take Care everyone x

31-07-08, 13:16

31-07-08, 18:36
In the past 3 months ive been to the doctors 12 times lol. Im now starting to feel alot better and have accepted that my symptoms were a result of anxiety and were psychomatic.

I need a break from the doctors. Im thinking a 2 year break at least. The receptionists now know my name and this is at 3 different practices too. :winks:

31-07-08, 18:47
In the past 3 months ive been to the doctors 12 times lol. Im now starting to feel alot better and have accepted that my symptoms were a result of anxiety and were psychomatic.

I need a break from the doctors. Im thinking a 2 year break at least. The receptionists now know my name and this is at 3 different practices too. :winks:

Yes a break would be good. I know you cannot help feeling anxious but one day you might really be poorly and who is going to believe you?

Good look with your goal.:flowers:

milly jones
02-08-08, 18:59
i have a plethera of appointments with my mental health team.

i have the psychologist weekly

the psychiatrist monthly

my gp depending on how i am from weekly to monthly whatever he says

occuational health about every 6 weeks

and my social worker rarely now

i always attend my appointments no matter how hard it is

if u dont put 100% into ur care, u cant get better

mill xx:blush:

06-08-08, 12:01
i normally go about once a week
and see my CPN once a week too and i've go some new therpy thing coming up too

16-02-09, 19:40
i get embarssed going to the doctors but also very scared incase he tells me i have something really bad and am going to die

17-02-09, 11:53
It varies for me as i go when i feel the need to, if i could go everyday then i could, but i dont like to keep going up there as soon they will refuse to see me they must get that fed up

But if you need reasurrance then they help sometimes

24-02-09, 14:34
I rarely go now because of my anxiety though before I was there at least every couple of months. It's the same with the dentist, I'm not scared of the dentist, it's just the thought of being trapped in the chair then I start to panic and feel like I have to run out. I did actually make myself go a couple of weeks ago as I hadn't been for 2 years but I had to take a valium first.

26-02-09, 10:09
i go every two weeks probably. doesn't help that the doctors surgury is oppostirte my house. unfortunatly the doctor i usually see is not very reassuring and doesn't seem to know much about anxiety, and says i shouldn't put every thing down to it! great! more worry.
also had a few bus journeys to A&E

26-02-09, 11:27
I very rarely go to the doctors,mainly due to the fact that no matter what doctor i see they take one look at my notes and put everything down to my

26-02-09, 15:01
I use to really rarely go to the doctors. Since december I must of been about 10 times due to a load of problems with my ears that i've been getting so anxious about! I'm seeing an ENT in a few weeks so hopefully once all thats sorted I can try steer clear from doctors for a while! They seem to make me even more stressed :S

26-02-09, 16:24
So far this year i have been to the doctors 5 times and called NHS direct twice!!


10-03-09, 13:18
Hello all,

How are people coping with going or not going to the doctors so far through 2009?


24-03-09, 15:14
i seem to have the reverse. i find going to see the doctor an absolutely horrifying experience, and wont go unless i absolutely must. it's same with the dentist. i'm nearly 20, though i still insist on bringing my mum with me. i often work myself into such a state that she will have to do the talking for me. i feel its because i cant handle the thought of bad news. does anyone else have this?

yes i am the same and i am 53 .

24-03-09, 16:26
I've been going once a week lately as my symtoms haven't gone. I did this last year too when I had a liver scare but that was mainly due to having blood tests, results, re-tests etc. :shrug:

31-03-09, 08:40
It just depends how my anxiety is, if i have symptoms and they are not clearing or im just feeling particularly worried , i can go about twice a month, I hate doing that as I feel my doctor must say not her again xx

13-04-09, 13:12
I voted twice a week cos I have seen myself recently doing that..usually it's once a week,when I'm really good it's once a month!

Shall be going tomorrow actually :(

13-04-09, 13:28
Over the past 4 months it has been at least twice a week plus phone calls:weep:

In "good times" it will a couple of months - BUT - and there is always a BUT -

Like now my giddiness is almost constant and panics are not far away.
Hyperventilation is really bad i find it hard to walk to the nearest bus stop and then it becomes easier to stay home:weep:

Then because of all the panic IBS becomes really bad and I have abdominal pain and then......... etc etc

27-04-09, 10:07
I've been twice since January so not too bad. I hate going to the doctors.:unsure:

Deepest Blue
08-05-09, 07:50
I voted not nearly enough, maybe I should go more often but I just feel like I never get my point across clear enough to make them understand how I am really feeling, maybe because I feel embarrassed about how he would take me. I will have to go and pay another visit soon though as I am running out of my meds.

08-05-09, 11:18
Ive had a bad 2009

Between January and March
3 visits to A & E
1 overnnight hospital stay
7 GP visits

Have been good the last 6/7 weeks though - just my regular blood pressure checks - my GP surgergy does month;y check for all patients on BP meds - and ive overweight too

26-05-09, 14:07
I tend to go very rarely because I get so worked up about going that I avoid it like the plague

21-07-09, 21:41
I seem to be always at the doctos BUT it is mostly things other than anxiety - both of my odler children have ongoing things which i go in about also my husband. I am probably there once a month but probably only once or twice a year if that for me.

when i was pregnant it was alot more obviously so i havent included that!

23-07-09, 00:31
I only go when I've gotten myself into a whirling vicious circle, I'd say maybe 3-4 times a year. And well, occasionally for non-anxiety-related things as well; I went quite often last year with my arthritis symptoms before I saw a specialist and was diagnosed on the spot.
I really hate going to the doctor's actually, so I avoid it. I always think they'll tell me I'm dying and I can feel my heart racing as soon as I step into the surgery. I'm going this Friday and while I really want to see my GP and get some help with my symptoms, it also really stresses me out.

24-07-09, 20:36
I go when I'm sick and once a year for a physical.