View Full Version : so worried

07-06-06, 13:46
hi eveyone. ever since i became pregnant with my daughter april 2005 i have became obsessed with dying. every headache is a brain tumour , every lump is cancer, any aches and pains i am dying. its really taking over my life. i find myself sitting there all day looking at my moles to see if they have the signs of skin cancer. i am now pregnant with my second child and terrified that my obsession will get worse. ive been to the doctors so many times that they just think i am just a hypochondriac . its ruining my relationship with my parnter and my family just laugh and think im silly. no one realises just how much this affecting my day to day life. has anyone gone through anything like this? please help me thanks

07-06-06, 14:47
We ARE hypochondriacs to be honest but im not keen on that term for it. But i bet like me, having kids has made you more aware that you cant die now! You need to be here for them, and i am a single parent, even though they see their dad regularly, i still worry that i will have to leave them but i cant, i am their sole carer! Its irrational because to worry all the time we are dying is to die a million times over. Go see your doc, i am when hes back from leave next week because its not fair to have to go through this if there is any way possible not to. Why cant we be like everyone else & keep things in perspective ey. Good luck.

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

07-06-06, 15:41
Hi I replied to your other post but what I said was ..

Try these posts - it may help you ...

Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=healthanxiety)

contiuously obsessed with dying (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2691)
'what if this is it this time thoughts' (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4694)
CONSTANT CHECKING (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4795)
can someone reasure me? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3931)
Fear of tumour... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4890)
25, new to the site & would LOVE SOME ADVICE ! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5171)
Holiday broke the vicious cycle (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5181)
health anxiety sucks!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5723)
Reassurance Seeking - Is it Ok?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6042)
lymphoma at 17? unlikely i know...but still... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6584)
Having one right now (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6934)

This post is excellent ...



07-06-06, 16:05
I could have written your post myself. My anxiety also began during a pregnancy. My "baby" is almost 2 now, but the anxiety never left. One thing that I do find to be helpful is something clair weekes wrote about. She was saying that our anxiety doesnt really just get worse and worse. Chances are, if you have been anxious for awhile, that you have reached your anxiety threshold. So, basically, its not going to just get worse and worse. The anxiety may come and go,but chances are good that you have already faced the worst of it.

Heidi :)

08-06-06, 17:10
Hi there, I have been the same since I had my son 3 years ago, life is so hard with health anxiety. Have you had all your lumps and bumps checked out, did any of them turn out to be anything to worry about, if they haven't that is reassurance that it is that horrible old mind playing tricks on you. Enjoy your daughter, they are young for such a short while.

08-06-06, 19:57
yes for four years and counting

no one will laugh here and if you need someone to present your fears with just to take the burden of youre hubby, just use us, thats what we are here for


Two heads
08-06-06, 20:06
I myself haven health anxiety and i no just how bad it can get.you are in the right place for help and suport.I have been like it since december last year. And i think i havet really been right since may last year after i had my baby!xx

08-06-06, 22:22
Hi - I think mine too was triggered after having my daughter although I have always been a bit of a worrier (about allsorts of things). I think having a child who depends on you, who you are responsible for is a trigger for many people. You are not alone ...

love hj

09-06-06, 02:24
Hi Jlou!

I know how your feeling and feel the same way. Although I am not preg, and I am sure medication would be hard due to that fact. I always feels like I am dying.. I get weak, faint and shortness of breat or chest pain I think Im dying. We are senseing our "normal body sensations" and turning them into something horriable. If you have not done so read the book "its not all in my head" at www.amazon.com it is under 20 bucks and very very helpful with questions and oh its neat and it helps me alot and I am sure it may help you. I wish I could say just relax but I know it is much easier said then done. Take care and good luck! And congrats on the baby!


09-06-06, 12:13
since i started suffering with anxiety/panic attacks i have suffered every terminal illness going. at the moment i'm convinced i have breast cancer. i think this has stemmed from the fact that my shoulders have really ached due to tension and the ache has radiated round to my ribs and chest area. i've been so paranoid about it i've been checking myself everyday and in retrospect have made the aching worse.has anyone else been through this ?

i have had everything from brain tumors to tietze syndrome to m/s.
i don't think having access to the internet helps cos i put it a symptom and alsorts of illnesses or conditions come up. then of course i'm convinced i'm seriously ill.

does anyone else have this problem. i would appreciate any advice or suggestions on how to break this vicious cycle..

all the best

09-06-06, 12:37
Yes pinkpenny. The most recent for me was the feeling my arm was swollen & a lump under my arm. Even though i couldnt feel an actual lump it felt like i always had a newspaper tucked under my arm. I was convinced for weeks it was something bad & i had noticed it months ago, then panicked that i hadnt done anything about it & eventually made the mistake of googling. Baaaad mistake, i was sure i had Non hodgkins lymphoma had a proper panic attack, heavy breathing, rang my sister (who also suffers from anxiety) & she talked me round to sensible thinking again. Until the next day when it got real bad & my arm hurt real bad. In the end out of desperation i took a Diazapam pill i had left from 2 yrs ago & ive been fine ever since! That was 8 days ago. No feelings in my arm or anything now. I know for a fact i focus a lot on symptoms & they are VERY real! Yet a week on, my arm feels the same as the other & i know at this point im healthy[:I]
I must add that i now think my PMT is back & am off to the doctors next week when hes back from leave, because i havent got anymore Diazapam & i cant face going through that feeling again in a couple of weeks! Pmt totally irrationalises my thoughts. Is it possible yours gets worse with PMT?

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!