View Full Version : Light on inside my head....in the dark. Anxiety? Please yes!

26-12-11, 21:23
Got myself in a right pickle.

Went to bed last night. Very tense, very wired. Room was dark. I lay down to try and relax/sleep but every time I shut my eyes, it was like the light had been switched on. Opened my eyes, normal, closed them again, light on. This went on for ages and I got up as itwas freaking me. I was too scared I would fall asleep and die. I don't know why I thought I would die but I did.
I nhad no headache, no nausea and I don't get migraines. The light was still and bright, not flashing. I eventually fell asleep on the sofa. I don't remember the light disappearing, I just awoke cold on the couch.
I had had no drink or drugs.
I am TERRIFIED. I am scared to go to bed in case it happens again.

Of course, I am thinking that it is something serious but I am trying to be logical and remind myself that I WAS very anxious.

Any thoughts?


26-12-11, 23:30
Don't worry, I have had this before. If you are very tired and sometimes very hot and stressed as well, your mind plays tricks on you in the dark. I have had where I see a splodge of light moving from one side of my vision to the other when my eyes are closed. When you are overtired, strange things happen at night when you body finally stops from all the energies of the day.
Maybe try to relax before you sleep by reading a book or a herbal tea :)

27-12-11, 00:06
I bet you were anxious and over tired. I think yesterday was a stressful day for most people. I know when I try to sleep at times I see a bright flash of light and sometimes I see "waves of light" that keep moving for several minutes.

28-12-11, 18:08
Thanks for that.:)

I havejust been overwrought. I have had a little bit ofthe light thing since but it definately seems to be related to tension.
