View Full Version : i fell in a store

27-12-11, 04:16
Hi there,
I have fell in a store last week.
The floor was wet and I have tripped and fell backward.
I immediately felt a tremendous pain in my back. I was having difficulties breathing for a while and then I couldn't stand because of a lot of pain in my back and in my right arm.
I did not break any bone though.
When the paramedics arrived they gave me usual treatment. However, because I did not broke any bones they released me pretty quickly.
The problem: I still have pains in my back and my arm, it's very difficult for me to sleep since then, When I move my arm fast, for instance - because I burn my finger - the pain in the arm is just tremendous.
I fell very tired because of constant pain and inability to sleep as normal which also affects my ability to perform at work.
Please let me know how to get help in the UK in such cases.

27-12-11, 09:51
Have you seen a doctor since the accident? Presumably you have some painkillers?
I think maybe you should consider pursuing a compensation claim against the store as well.

27-12-11, 10:35
I am using a lot of painkillers but they are beginning to upset my stomach.
As it comes to claiming a compensation from the store I guess they have very good lawyers and a guy like me (with very limited resources) would just waist a lot of time and money.

27-12-11, 10:40
I really think you should back to the doctor and get a second opinion. Maybe he could also give you some sleeping tablets for a short time, until you get better.
In this country if the floor is wet in a store they must put up large yellow signs saying that the floor is wet. There are many companies that specialise in claims for such accidents in the UK, the ads are on TV all the time. Maybe it is different in Germany?

william wallace
27-12-11, 10:41
Do you not have "no win no fee" type lawyers in Germany. In the UK we are bombarded with them on tv, internet, newspapers:)

27-12-11, 10:44
I'm not quite sure what you are looking for to be honest, you don't have PTSD, you have had a fall in a shop. If you are looking for compensation, then go and see a solicitor, if it is the physical pain is the problem, go back and see your doctor and tell them you are still in pain, and see what they can suggest

27-12-11, 19:22
Why do you think I don't suffer from PTSD ?

27-12-11, 19:56
Just from your original post, you say you fell over last week, and are still in physical pain from it, which is quite normal after a fall, and that is what is stopping you sleeping.

PTSD is something completely different to physical pain from a fall, which is something 99% of people would suffer from.

Can I ask what it is makes you think you have PTSD, rather than a sore back / arm from a nasty fall ?

28-12-11, 07:55
I am not an expert but I since the event I really feel very strange, besides the pain I wake up every night from a nightmare of the event and am having tremendous difficulties falling back asleep. Also I feel strange, cannot concentrate, sometimes I need to ask people twice or thrice to repeat what they have said. It's terrible and I did not experienced such abnormalities before. I am afraid I am going to loose my job.

28-12-11, 08:28
Seriously, you NEED to go and see a doctor to have all these things checked out.

28-12-11, 18:43
Did you notify the Shop Manager or member of staff in the shop about your fall ? Here you have the incident recorded in an accident book ,incase of any problems this may cause you .You do have grounds if you are suffering to claim against their Insurers .But I honesly dont think falling over would be grounds for PTSD .It would be common to suffer for a short time with bad dreams tho .This is not PTSD ..Sue

18-03-12, 10:21
PTSD comes about when you are fearful for your life or the life of others. It is a natural response to an unatural event. It happens to people in war zones, to people in serious car crashes, to rape victims, victims of aggrevated burglury, natural disasters and terrorist attacks.
Falling in a store is not a life threatening event and whilst I sympathise with you being in pain and feeling strange, it sounds as if you need to revisit your Doctor rather than research PTSD.

18-03-12, 11:04
I would get an MRI of your back if the pain doesn't go away.