View Full Version : why do i have this?!

27-12-11, 11:53
everybody i know that has anxiety has a reason, abuse, bereavement, health scare ect.

i have had nothing significant that has happened i was fine up until 18 when this all started!!

iv had enough of it now iv been fine since august and now i feel it again!!!


27-12-11, 12:25
I know exactly how you feel. I've been anxious with panic attacks, depression and agoraphobia since I was about 13 and have periods where I feel ok but about two weeks ago the anxiety returned and I am at a loss how to calm myself down. Been in tears for the last 2 days, pacing around, can't relax etc etc. My rational self says I'll feel better soon when Xmas is all over but the panic side of me keeps saying what if I never get better, what if this time I'm going mad, what if I end up in hospital. So stupid but I guess that's what anxiety is!

27-12-11, 12:31
mine started out of the blue 3 years ago an i dont no the reason but my doctor told me sometimes its your bodys way of telling you its needs a break.

27-12-11, 12:35
There's absolutely no reason for me to have anxiety either. I have a job, house, car etc but sometimes it just happens for no reason. I feel guilty that there's people who have real problems in the world and here I am worrying about worrying! If only I could switch my brain off!

27-12-11, 12:56
Sometimes there is no tangible reason for anxiety and I find it very difficult to rationalise it to myself and explain it to anyone else. It seems part of my fabric, my make up as a person, just like the depression that goes with it.
I'm sick of it.

27-12-11, 13:07
It is often a spiral down. Sure alot of people get it from scares, but if you spend a lot of time looking back, you can usually work out how your life started to go against you. The anxiety could have been brewing inside you for a long time, but something minor can bring it to the surface. Freudians may uncover a buried trauma that happened before you can remember which has been repressed.
It is my belief that everything happens for a reason; your anxiety would not have arose for no reason, but as a warning to change your lifestyle into something that suits you more, or to tackle a buried problem. Once you find out the cause, you can work on getting better.
Take care :)

27-12-11, 15:28
For 16ish years I didn't know the cause of my anxiety, but with my recent relapse I've had time to think back and I've realised what causes mine, but I don't notice the anx building up, sometimes it doesn't knock me on my ass for a year or so after the event, but I've realised that there have been lots of little missed signs along the way.

I don't usually realise I'm suffering until my head/mind won't stop rattling and my thoughts becomes obsessional. Hopefully, I'll spot the triggers and signs well in advance in the future.

27-12-11, 15:42
it all started after my first panic attack. Admittedly before that i was always a bit of a worrier but i never experienced the endless list of symptoms i have now :weep:

27-12-11, 15:54
Thank you for starting this post.I always feel really guilty about my anxiety because I can never explain to people why I have it.This makes me assume people don't understand and think it cant be real.If they lived in my head for even half a day they would realize just how bad it is!! The constant brain chatter, and worry about what other people think and are saying about me is so stressful. x

28-12-11, 02:14
I've had the same on occassion.