View Full Version : Tremors..!

27-12-11, 13:02
Can someone please tell me how to test one self for intention tremors? Coz I think I have them. And that is a symptom of MS. Of which I am having many symptoms.
Please tell me. anyone? and can this be caused by anxiety? I dont think so!!

27-12-11, 14:03
I am worried about MS as well, all too often. Usualy it's just that. Worries.

When you say intention tremors, what do you mean?

27-12-11, 14:33
I dont know myself...but what from what i have read..its like u whe n uhave to touch ur nose with ur finger and u cant do it properly. also there was this shin heel test that is used to asses it.
Type shin heel test on google and see if u can do it..i tried it and i think i can do it..though owing ti my anxiety i am srue next time i try i wont be able to do it..!!
I have a real actualy concern for ms worry...back in may i had done a mri of the head for unrelated reason ( i was coming off my epilepsy med) and then the neuro had just routinely said..there was two small spots on the scan..and that many ppl ahev it..and there is no reason to worry!!
But yeah since then ...mainly since october i have been getting all kinda neuro symptoms..! tremors, pain, weakness,..twitching everywhere...etc
Had gone to the neuro again..who had conveniently forgotten that there were two spots..but when i told him..he looked in to my scan again..and was like ...hmm..i dont think there is much a problem..but then again i am not sure!!!! So get another MRI...that was in october..and now its almost december last...i didnt get hte MRI..coz i COMPLETELY FREAKED out!!
But since then u can guess - its been hell!!

Hope u dont have MS!! And hope I dont have it too!!
But then I read about ALS...and I was like...i rather have MS!!!

27-12-11, 14:40
The first thing to tell you is.
Do not google things. Our mind recreates, or worsens the actual symptoms. I am not saying you do not have symptoms. I do too, we all do big ones or small ones.
So do not google tests that your neurologist wouldn't or has already performed on you.
Second, if you are sincerely worried you can go back to your neurologist (if you trust him) and talk about the options.
It helps to have someone close to you to calm you down, someone like family perhaps?
And you can always post here, I will support you.
My approach to things (as I still try to cure myself is)
One day, it ends anyway. It's not about how things end, but about how we live up to that moment.
I wouldn't mind having MS or ALS or Cancer or anything at all, if I knew how to live my life given the life I have been given.
That is my own approach to a way out. That and Citalopram :P
I do understand what you are going through though, I am having one of those days myself even as we speak.
Just know you are not alone and for the record, i don't think you have MS :)