View Full Version : anexity?

27-12-11, 14:41
Hi I'm 19 and have only recently just developed anexity.. I don't know where it started but I have a fear of sleeping at night just in case I don't wake up. I have weird thoughts go through my head of what if this happeneds to me? I'm scared to be alone just in case something happens and I can't be helped.
I think I'm allergic to everything and won't go near things that could harm me.. Eg I got scared of a sented candle as I thought it could harm me by smelling it?
I won't eat as I'm convinced something bad will happen to me either why eating or after? Some times after eating I'm fine others I start to panic, feel sick, headache, belly pains, tiredness.
I can never relax I'm constanly on edge just waiting for something to happen to me?
Can someone help please?

27-12-11, 15:48
Hi I can't personally help you but I know there will be many people on here who can give you advice on how to cope with your anxiety.
I can relate to how you feel though. I myself started with anxiety in my teens which seemed to come out of nowhere and fear of being alone was one of first symptoms. I also used to be afraid of leaving a drink unattended at work or home in case someone poisoned it. Why on earth anyone would want to poison me I have no idea!
For years I would sit in my room night after night with horrible feelings of anxiety that something awful was about to happen. I still get those feeling 30 years later and although life has not always been great I have never experienced anything that would warrent those feelings.
If you have not already spoke to your family or GP then you should. The more support you have during times of anxiety the better. There are ways to cope with anxiet and I don't only mean drugs, many people on this forum have been helped with CBT, relaxation or natural therapies.

27-12-11, 16:51
hi i feel the same too.my anxiety just sprung out of know where and totally change me as a person.i have had a good spell at the min but last night it all started going wrong again and i was so scared to walk up my stairs to bed incase i could not make it up or will i wake up again and its the worst felling ever.every minute im thinking is this normall will i make it up stairs will i manage to eat my dinner as it makes my anxious when im felling full coz i makes me feel heavy and weak which is one of my panic sypmtoms.i hope some one here could help u i know how crap it is

28-12-11, 21:55
Thank you for your replies I'm glad its not just me who thinks like this. I went to the doctors today & he was silly done nothing just write down what I said and said, I don't know what we can do? What do you want me to do? So he transferred me to see someone else. But that's going to take at least 2 weeks. I can't stay like this for another two weeks, I went round my mums today & she has a gas fire & I'm adamant now I've got C0 posiong. But like my mum said why is it going to break the day I go round there? And my mums fine and her bf is, but I'm just worrying over nothing but I can't help it, I've also just developed this pain in the right side near my leg and I'm getting scared about that I'm worrying myself loads now. Sorry for the eassy but everyone I seem to talk to says I'm stupid & need to stop thinking like this. I can't help the way I think can I? Is it me being stupid? Well I'm going back to the doctors tomorrow just to see if they can speed this up & to make sure I'm fine, but once again I'm going to have another sleepness night cos I'm scared I'm going to die of C0 posiong thanks to google.. Is anyone else this worried & paranoid as me?

29-12-11, 12:59
Hi Angela me.
No you are not being stupid, none of us are, we just can't control our thoughts and worries like other people can.
How did your doctors appointment go today? :hugs:

29-12-11, 20:44
Well the doctor I saw was stupid, didn't have a clue what was going on.. I said about pains I had and he said oh that shouldn't be happening? I asked him for a blood test and he said no? That's not normal is it? He didn't seem to care about me or what I needed to say... I'm having a crap night again, Ilm hungry and want to eat but I can't becasue I'm scared that someones touched my food. I've just given up smoking is this a cause of why I'm felling like this? I'm scared that I have C0 posioning still cos my doctor didn't do nothing about it but said because my mum & her bf feel normal and haven't had any affects that its highly unlikely that I've got anything.. This anexity is getting stupid now I just want it gone