View Full Version : Feeling Awful

27-12-11, 16:35

Im having a really bad set back. Been ok for most of the year but the worry of Xmas coming and the memory of how bad I felt last year has brought all the anxiety and panic attacks back and now I feel desperate and cant relax. Dont know what to do, just pacing around feeling sick and nauseous. Saw the doc a week or so ago and he is referring me for counselling (again - he said that a year ago and I never heard). I just feel this time that I can't control my anxiety and I am going mad and will end up in a psych hospital. Please can anyone say anything to reassure me? I cant bear to leave my house or see anyone I feel so awful. Im on meds but they dont seem to be helping this time.

27-12-11, 16:42
what meds are you on and how long have you been on them? Its difficult at this time of year, a lot of people suffer from setbacks. One positive is that it will all be over in a few days and it will be the new year, which is a good time for a fresh start. Try to calm down, try doing some relaxation excercises and is there anyone you can talk to about this?

Hang on in there and you can get help and get over this!


27-12-11, 16:51
I know how your feeling, had a terrible Christmas as well thought i would end up in psych ward as well, all i can offer is my best wishes that you start feeling better, i have had support from this site that has helped. Even though you feel alone your not, i hope some other members can offer you some support and comfort...i am at docs tomorrow for some help as well....all my best to you my friend ......:hugs:

eternally optimistic
27-12-11, 23:29

Hope tomorrow brings something better for you.

You should hear soon about the CBT, hopefully.

Best wishes.

27-12-11, 23:52
Do you hsve any other symptoms??? I to have been worring about how bad i felt with my anxiety tis time last year and true to form im not having a great time at the moment :weep:

28-12-11, 00:55
ino my anxiety is slowly creeping back up on me i think time for some positive thinking meee thinks its okay we done it once we can do it again :D instead of worrying about how its coming back lets start concentrating on how we can make it stop lol or just try and give it no thought at all :)

28-12-11, 13:50
Totally agree we can either let this drive us crazy or as i try to do keep telling it to go away :yesyes:

28-12-11, 14:16
Thanks for your messages. Went to doctor again this morning and he is putting me on Fluoxetine (I think its Prozac). I'm already on Oxazepam and Clomipramine so taking something extra is a bit scary but I guess I cant feel any worse than I do now (although my anxiety head is telling me I can)!! He also signed me off work for 2 weeks which is probably for the best as I went in an 8 this morning and promptly burst into tears. Wish I could just get a grip of myself and this anxiety but I just can't. I'm such a pathetic person. A few weeks ago I was in work and happy and now I feel like I'm losing it!

28-12-11, 14:27
Your not pathetic believe me. All the feelings and emotions are hard to deal with x Things will get better you need distractions they do help xx

28-12-11, 14:35
hi there, i have been in tears the last 2 days feeling scared just now, doc has given me diazapam on top of prozac and referred me..... you are not pathetic just needing like myself to rest and let time work...do you have anyone you can speak with about how you are feeling just now?....i know it's hard but i have been told don't dwell on the past or think too much about the future...easier said than done with a racing mind....i wish you all the best....:)

28-12-11, 16:34
Hi Neowallace
I live on my own but have a partner but he doesn't really understand - just says stop worrying! As if it were that easy! I've got my mum and sister to talk to but just find myself saying the same old things to them and looking for reassurance that I will get better. I was trying to deal with things on my own cos I know they've heard it all before and it worries them but sometimes being on your own doesn't help. I'm now worried that I'll lose my job. The negative thoughts are always with me - I just need help with being able to turn my thinking around. I hope the meds work for you. I've been on oxazepam - a milder sedative than diazepam since I was in my teens. I've had periods where I need to take it all the time to help cope and periods where I don't really need it so I hope the diazepam and prozac works for you.

---------- Post added at 16:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:33 ----------

Hi Neowallace
I live on my own but have a partner but he doesn't really understand - just says stop worrying! As if it were that easy! I've got my mum and sister to talk to but just find myself saying the same old things to them and looking for reassurance that I will get better. I was trying to deal with things on my own cos I know they've heard it all before and it worries them but sometimes being on your own doesn't help. I'm now worried that I'll lose my job. The negative thoughts are always with me - I just need help with being able to turn my thinking around. I hope the meds work for you. I've been on oxazepam - a milder sedative than diazepam since I was in my teens. I've had periods where I need to take it all the time to help cope and periods where I don't really need it so I hope the diazepam and prozac works for you.

29-12-11, 09:30
Hi Feeling Awful...

I do feel for you :hugs:, I have anxiety and depression just now and i am feeling really anxious a lot. My wife and Mum understands which I am thankful for but I feel I am letting my son down feeling like this. I am trying not to think What If it is a unhelpful question. People who say pull yourself together think they are helping but if it were that easy we would all just do that and be okay. I really hope you feel better soon and stick to speaking to the family that understand you deserve it.....:hugs: Thanks as well for you support I hope the meds work as will.....


29-12-11, 17:40

How has your day been? And did you manage to take the Prozac and Diazepam ok? I've been trying to keep busy all day - went for a drive this morning and then to the gym this afternoon but the anxiety is with me all the time. The Prozac made me feel a bit sick this morning but I might have just imagined it as I was really scared of taking it. Hope your day has been a more peaceful one. :hugs: