View Full Version : Health anxiety :\

27-12-11, 17:30
Hi, everyone. My name is Jeff.

I've been having health anxiety for the past three or four years, and it has basically taken over my life. Most of it is centered around the condition of my heart. I think very, very obsessively about my heart; an hour hasn't gone by during which I haven't checked my pulse or had a panic attack about a chest ache.

I've been to several doctors, and, based on test results (i.e., EKG, X-Ray, blood test) they said nothing was wrong with me. Regardless, I can't convince myself to believe them, no matter how much I want to.

To some, this may seem like a small inconvenience. However, to me, it's the bane of my existence...

I have so much to be grateful for, yet my anxiety keeps me from enjoying it. I can't enjoy playing tennis anymore. I can't enjoy spending time with my family. I can't enjoy reading my favorite books. Basically, I can't enjoy life anymore.

I'm hoping to find people on No More Panic who can sympathize with me and talk to me during this dark, terrifying time in my life.

Thank you.

27-12-11, 17:31
Hi jeff123

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-12-11, 18:13
I completely understand. In March i will have had anxiety for 5 years! It all started with a panic attack on an aeroplane...thought i was having a heart attack and life changed forever! Worry about my heart too despite the tests and scans being fine. Anxiety causes the symptoms that i then get scared of and worry its the worst! As i tyoe im dizzy and eyes strained and head feels strange. Sparked panic last night and took forever to get to sleep. I, like you, have so much to be thankfull for, yet i just exist! Know how to get better, just cant seem to do it

27-12-11, 23:37
Totally understand how you both feel with worrying about having a heart attack and the dizziness is driving me crazy. Doctors and counsellor say its health anxiety but on a bad day im convinced its something serious like MS!!!!

28-12-11, 02:02
I thought i was the only one... Til I found this place.

28-12-11, 06:12
i aslo suffer with bad health anx ,the mind is very powerfull ,and scary i hope u feel better soon and there is a chatt room if u nned to talk .wish u the best :)