View Full Version : Panic attack every time I have a shower

27-12-11, 17:52
Everytime I get to washing my hair in the shOwer I have a panic attack! I havnt washed my hair properly in ages because I have to get out quick every time. Has anyone else had this and also if you have can I hav some tips of how to overcome it!

27-12-11, 17:58
Yes i used to be the same, and have to have my hubby close by, i think it was just that i felt trapped in there, and when washing my hair, i knew i had to rinse and condition once i had started.

I started to wash my hair first, leave in the conditioner while i showered, quick rinse and out, however i am fine now, but you are not alone. good luck x

27-12-11, 22:06

I seem to feel worse in the shower if I look upwards towards the shower head or tip my head back to rinse my fringe.

I also seem to hold my breath a lot in the shower and I think that might make me worse.

I try to keep my head facing forwards now - or if I really can't face it I do it separately over the bath.

Hope you find something which works for you soon.


28-12-11, 06:19
Wow..i thought i was only one who got this! A few weeks ago, I got the beginning of what felt like a panic attack in the shower (increased heart rate, thought i was going to pass out) so I quickly got out! It didn't develop into a full blown PA...but I did feel pretty anxious afterward. Since then, it's everytime I go into the shower, I get the same feelings, but I push through them and just clean up as quickly as possible. I used to love taking a warm shower...it was so relaxing to me. Now even that scares me!!!!

I did read once that if the shower water is too hot, it can increase your heart rate, so now i try to tale luke-warm showers and the anxious feelings aren't so bad. I am also claustropohbic (fear of small spaces) but the shower never bothered me before. My anxiety has been pretty bad lately, so maybe its just manifesting itself in different ways now. Ugh, so fusterating...but I'm glad I'm not alone on this one! :)

28-12-11, 19:26
I actually had (what I now know to be) my first panic episode in the shower. Or, I experienced a run of scary ectopic beats while leaning down for shampoo, immediately panicked that I was about to have a heart attack and that I'd be found hours later as I was (collapsed and covered in bubbles - not a great look for anyone), and for months I was afraid to shower. I'd do everything really quickly and I was too afraid to lock the bathroom door. It took a while to overcome... And I still get nervous when the door's locked. It's just funny that such a thing should affect so many of us...

Veti A
30-12-11, 20:49
Wow i didn't know other people had the same problem. It was about 2-3 weeks ago that i had a panic attack in the shower and had to get out very quickly. My heart was beating very fast and i found myself gasping for air. I was so scared but had to calm myself down with positive thoughts. I still struggle with bathing myself because i feel that those same feelings will come on again. My mom gets very mad at me for not showering often like i used to but i just wish she understood why /: I hope you things get better kimberley, your definitely not alone :hugs:

02-01-12, 09:08
Hi guys,
If you think about it, the fears are mostly the same, fear of coming to harm, fear of humiliation/embarrassment etc it's the same as being fearful of going to the shops and passing out etc. once you have experienced a panic attack we then become anxious of any situation which we believe could cause one, that's how my comfort zone grew smaller an smaller until I was virtually housebound, I'd have an attack then avoid the situation in which it occurred which pretty much became ANY situation that I was forced to stay in one place long queues, the cinema, the hairdresser (as you can see from my photo the last I e isn't so much of an issue anymore...) that's why it is really good to practice something like CBT or meditation so you can disrupt the though process that leads to panic and really understand what I going on.

Best wishes,

05-01-12, 15:28
have you tried having a bath and washing your hair in that? x

05-01-12, 18:19
A fear of something water related such as drowning or you experienced something unpleasant near/in water?

05-01-12, 20:03
Ever since I was a child I have always hated baths because I hate getting hot. But I have no fear of water or any bad experiences it was just since I had a panic attack in one the other day. :/

05-01-12, 20:11
So, really, you're getting panicked in the shower because, well, once in the shower, you did panic attack? :/ Ouch. Not good. Panic re PA's themselves can be difficult to handle.

05-01-12, 21:20
I am fine until it gets to washing my hair which is absolutely ridiculous I know :/

05-01-12, 23:06
I don't blame you there. Let me guess, you close your eyes and maybe hold your breath a little as you shampoo? [it's what I do. Pardon me if that seems creepy - I ask because I wonder if it's the natural disorientation coupled to the traumatic experience which now causes this association].