View Full Version : Can't believe how bad it is...

27-12-11, 18:27
Some of you may of read my other posts and know that I am coming of Effexor cold turkey (I HAVE to come off cold turkey so please no advice on tapering).

I am now on day 11 or 12 and although the brain zaps, sickness, stomach cramps etc are virtually none excistant the emotional effects are horrendous. I really now feel as though effexor has quashed my emotions for the last few years and now all of a sudden they are all flooding out.

I lost someone close to me a year ago and although it was awful at the time I really feel as though I am grieving for them all over again but this time it is much worse. My family are being fantastic but I'm still all over the place and find myself crying and shouting for no reason at all. This in turn makes me feel guilty and I then feel even more emotional than ever.
I hate myself so much at the moment for not being the person I should be ie strong, incontrol and looking after my family, not them looking after me.

Now I fear that this outlet of emotions will go on and on and on.....


27-12-11, 20:13
Congratulations for getting this far. You are going through something hard that many people never go through. Give yourself a pat on the back.
It WILL get better. I went off of Paxil and know a bit about what you are going through. It won't be easy but it will get easier.
I haven't followed your posts so forgive me if this is a dumb question, but do you have a therapist? I don't always feel great off medication but if I don't I go see her and it helps. Also how about blogging or doing a diary or even coming here and giving updates everyday? It may help. We are here for you.

27-12-11, 21:19
Thank you so much for your kind post sallad. I don't have a therapist and my GP basically does not understand what is happening to me. He has actually told me in the past that the best way to taper is to take a half dose for a wk then stop (?) and also that withdrawal should not last longer then about 10 days.
I have requested a referral for CBT but 6 months later I still seem nowhere near an appointment.
I think I will keep a diary or blog and to be honest just reading your post has helped me. :hugs: