View Full Version : Please read and give advice!

27-12-11, 19:50
Hello there, im 16 years old and have had tinnitus since i was about 13, im not sure what caused it, but should i say kind of went, i cant remember how, i think it was because i wasnt obsessing over it, anyway.

The last month and 1/2 has been hell for me, i suddenly got an ear virus, which must of made my tinnitus worse, and i obsessed over it all day everyday, it eventually made me really anxious, then i developed more symptoms such as Derealization < which forced me to have 3 panic attacks and is the worst symptom alongside tinittus i get from anxiety <if that is whats making it more acitve. Also i have "visual snow" which are like minuscule dots in the vision and more noticeable on plain screens, walls, in the dark and in the sky. Touch wood i havent had a panick attack for about 5days now, and am starting to handle my derealization a bit better, which i think has now made me obsess more over my tinnitus and visual snow. When my derealization was at its worse about a week ago, for those days i didnt really notice my tinnitus until i layed my head on my pillow at night.

Now im handling my derealization a bit better im now obsessing more over my tinnitus and visual snow which is making me very anxious and worried:(
My mum also has Pure O and anxiety and is starting St. John Wort tablets, which are natural and have the same affect as SSRI's , i was wondering has anyone else ever taking these St. John's wort tablets to Help tinnitus, or does it make it worse, please reply i need some advice and reasurrance, also when i yawn my ear always crackles, this sometimes indicates to me that i still have a virus, but surely not for a month and a half, anyway please reply :) conor x

27-12-11, 21:30
Hello there, im 16 years old and have had tinnitus since i was about 13, im not sure what caused it, but should i say kind of went, i cant remember how, i think it was because i wasnt obsessing over it, anyway.

The last month and 1/2 has been hell for me, i suddenly got an ear virus, which must of made my tinnitus worse, and i obsessed over it all day everyday, it eventually made me really anxious, then i developed more symptoms such as Derealization < which forced me to have 3 panic attacks and is the worst symptom alongside tinittus i get from anxiety <if that is whats making it more acitve. Also i have "visual snow" which are like minuscule dots in the vision and more noticeable on plain screens, walls, in the dark and in the sky. Touch wood i havent had a panick attack for about 5days now, and am starting to handle my derealization a bit better, which i think has now made me obsess more over my tinnitus and visual snow. When my derealization was at its worse about a week ago, for those days i didnt really notice my tinnitus until i layed my head on my pillow at night.

Now im handling my derealization a bit better im now obsessing more over my tinnitus and visual snow which is making me very anxious and worried:(
My mum also has Pure O and anxiety and is starting St. John Wort tablets, which are natural and have the same affect as SSRI's , i was wondering has anyone else ever taking these St. John's wort tablets to Help tinnitus, or does it make it worse, please reply i need some advice and reasurrance, also when i yawn my ear always crackles, this sometimes indicates to me that i still have a virus, but surely not for a month and a half, anyway please reply conor x

27-12-11, 22:11
I can't help you Conor but I hope someone can as you have asked a valuable question.
I have tried St John's Wort for Anxiety and they did not help me personally and now I am trying 5 htp. I have read that this can also help symptoms of Tinnitus but only when this is caused by low serotonin levels. I suffer from Fibromyalgia and chronic migraine (both possibly caused by low serotonin levels) and 5 htp has helped these symptoms tremendously.
I think that you need research a little bit more about St John's Wort and maybe even 5 htp if you think it may help before coming to a decision about which may help you most. I'm sorry I can't help you more but please keep us updated with how you are getting on. :hugs:

27-12-11, 22:31
Thanks erin for your reply:) i took one about 8pm, im feeling okish, touch wood, just chilling at the moment, i sleep everynight with my tv and fan on lol... i am going to buy a pillow with a speaker in it, apparently it helps, dont be sorry i am chuffed you ever cared to look:) thanks alot, i hope your okay, and im glad they helped you with your symptoms, i will update thanks alot:) xx:bighug1: :hugs:

27-12-11, 22:46

I have taken st johns wort tablets before but just for general anxiety and I do believe they helped, you should give them a go. Don't worry about your ears crackling when you yawn, I'm 30 and mine have done it forever! When I yawn, swallow, anything, I can even make it do it. I suspect you notice the tinnitus more cos you are focusing on it, try and keep yourself occupied, easier said than done I know but all these things are worse when we focus on them. I hope you give the tablets a try, they can only help you :)

27-12-11, 22:49
Thanks meg for your reply..

I had one tonight:) wish me luck!

Hope all is well with you, pm if need a chat x :hugs: