View Full Version : Have you got children and how do you cope?

27-12-11, 20:55
Just wondering if any of you have children? If so , how old are they and how do you cope with them with your anxiety? Mine are 11, 9 and 5. My 11 year old DD has a little idea of how I've been feeling but am trying so hard to keep everything from them but its so hard and one thing am worried about the most is how they will be effected as adults! I so want to overcome all this and be the happy mother they so deserve and I'm trying to stay positive but at the minute feel like I can't and I don't know what to do for the best. :-( xx

27-12-11, 21:47
my kids are 16,12 and 9
my eldest 2 seem ok....to be honest ,they're more concerned about their wardrobe,mates,money,make up etc
my youngest however,i do worry about.I feel so guilty as I used to do so much with them,swimming club,walks,bike rides and I used to look forward to each day with them....
then anxiety,panic attacks and depression intruded in my life and turned it upside down,but i feel optimistic i,ll get my old self back......
im on my 4th week of meds and awaiting cbt but also believe you have to help yourself too.
are you taking an meds?

27-12-11, 22:26
Hiya, I've been prescribed fluoxetine but haven't started taking them yet as I've been so worried about the side effects going on them and as am off work and my kids are off over the Christmas hols I really didn't want to be worse when they were here. At least when they go back to school they don't have to see me in that state most of the day and also my manager is aware of how I am and has told me to take time off. At the minute also I am under the DR as he thinks I have labyrinthsis ( dizzyness due to inner ear infection ) and this is making my anxiety worse as am thinking its something else and this is also limiting what I do with my children and I feel so guilty for it. My eldest is great and you can explain things and how you feel to her but the other two espcially my youngest is very demanding and he had OCD beahvioural characteristics himself ( been a very hard year )!! Thanks so much for your reply, what meds are you on? I have GAD, HA and depression . So very hard at times xxx

28-12-11, 11:00
Im also on fluoxetine....I wont lie to you,the first few weeks are tough.
I have a diary on this site if you want to read it

Personally,I would start the fluoxetine now whilst you,re off work as it can give you awful insomnia.Mornings are the worst,but everyone is different with side effects.
Try not to feel guilty about the children,you are doing this because you are a good Mum and want to get well.Have you told your husband/partner ? I felt alot better after I told my husband and a few close friends,but to be honest the most support Ive had is from this site.The chat forum was especially helpful during my dark days when I thought I was losing it.
send me a private message anytime or maybe catch me on chat.
take care xx

29-12-11, 22:23
Thank you so much. Having a bt of a bad day today :( I'm all hot, preasurre in head, headachy. I know I shouldn't google but I have pulsitlil tnnitus ( can hear heartbeat in head/ear) I was told by my audiologist I have it as I have otosclerosis ( harding of bones in ears and I have conductive hearing loss and wear hearing aids ) I decided to google it and got all sorts of problems it could be and now worrying myself sick. I've also had labyrinthitis ( viral infec of middle ear ) for 10 weeks whch leaves me feeling off balance and anxiety is making it worse like a vicious circle. Fell like am just going to drop down dead and I hate it :( So unhappy at the min xxx

---------- Post added at 22:23 ---------- Previous post was at 22:16 ----------

P.S my husband is an absolute god send and is fantastic , I'm so lucky. He nearly had a breakdown years ago so totally understands me, He also has HA and GAD but no where near as bad as me. He gives he a lot of support, lets me cry , talk , rant and just holds me when I need it. Love him to absolute bits :) xxx

29-12-11, 22:39
aw i'm so sorry you,ve had such a bad day
its so much worse when you have other health problems.I've had trouble with my back since february and its eased these last few weeks (thank goodness) ......then i start with this bloody tendonitis!!! just before Xmas,I had tonsilitis..... im not hypochondriac really i'm not,there just always seems to be something!!!!
really hope you have a better day tomorrow,have you started your meds yet? I hope my diary hasn't put you off !
take care xx

29-12-11, 22:45
I havent managed to read your diary yet hun. I havent started meds yet, maybe when the kids go back to school as they are so demanding lol ! I feel better for coming on here and chatting, the tension eases somewhat then doesn't it. I hate the winter months, makes you feel so much worse !! and you end up getting loads of ailments. Hope your feeling better yourself soon hun xxx