View Full Version : Why can't I sleep????!!!!

28-12-11, 08:10
I am babysitting 4 of my Grandbabies in about 5 hours and I CAN'T SLEEP!!
What is wrong with me that I can't sleep at night??
I don't really have panic attacks anymore...WATCH, I'll say that and then have a long drawn out send me to the ER acting like a fool attack- LOL.

But I still can't sleep!
I've tried all the tricks...relaxation....reading in bed...no Tv...even warm milk, which by the way is NASTY NASTY NASTY!!!!

Nothing helps!
I go to bed around 3 am or so and sleep all morning!

It normally isn't an issue because I'm not working but I'm gonna be a cranky Maw Maw in the morning with a 8 year old, 6 year old, 2 year old, and 1 year old, to take care of for at least 5 hours!! Oh and did I mention they are all girls so it's....."I wanna sing you a song", "I wrote a play I want to act out for you", "Let's have a tea party", "Read me a book"!
That makes me tired just thinking about it!!!
But not tired enough to go to sleep ;)

So I guess I will go lay in bed and think of all kinds of crap that isn't important enough to keep me awake but that my brain can't seem to drop....
