View Full Version : Skipped Beats Again!!!

28-12-11, 08:41
So I've been dealing with this issue for quite sometime and I feel like it never gets easier. I get these skipped beat feelings alot. I feel it my chest and when I take my pulse. I freak myself out because I fear there is something seriously wrong with me and it scares me! I'm only 24 yo and I'm active, don't smoke and drink occasionally but I still can't come to terms with myself. I hate this feeling. I need some advice please! Sometimes I get a good run of these which makes worry even worse. I don't want to die from this!

28-12-11, 09:56
Hi, I too have had many panic attacks as a result of these missed beats, but have been told that they are actually extra beats and that absolutely everyone gets them from time to time it's just that many people don't notice. I myself found that the more I focused on them the more I seemed to get and I had a bad time with it for a while, but I'm sure if you can distract yourself in some way they will become a lot less regular. I hope this helps, you are definitely not alone in experiencing this xx

28-12-11, 10:47
Please be reassured that you will not die from these extra beats. I have had them for the last 30 years and am still around with no ill effects. They will not harm you in any way.

28-12-11, 14:49
LIke MIrabelle I have had these since I was 20 and am now 50. Having had loads of tests over the years for my benefit and seen at least 4 cardiologists this is what I have always been told.

They are horrible but harmless.They can make you feel faint but you don't actually faint, you can get runs of ectopics that feel as if your heart is fluttering all over the place and you feel as if you are going to pass out but you don't.

All cardios have told me that only anxious people feel these and have them badly. Other people have them everyone does but they don't feel them and you can have them show up on ecg and be told you have a normal ecg as they are considered to be a normal variation of heart rthymm.

I totally understand how you feel as even now especially when I get the runs of ectopics and feel as if I am about to keel over I get huge panic but much as they feel horrible they are normal and not harmful to your heart.

28-12-11, 15:38
Don't worry about those extra beats. first of all, everybody have them, only we are so tuned to our bodies that we actually can feel them.

I had those extra beats for some time and i got them out of nowhere. I'm doing a lot of sports, jogging, football, bicycle... always felt great about it and suddenly i started to get those extra beats (which are very frightening specially when you get them during exercise) i was scared and almost quit doing sport.

So I've seen 2 cardiologist over the years and did many tests, all said that I'm fine and anxiety is what causing them and recommended me not to quit exercise.

I know how frightening it feels when you get them, but it is anxiety.

28-12-11, 16:58
I had this a few years ago, it came up during a physical. The doc was concerned, sent me to have a sonogram done (I know that's not the correct term, but it's along the same lines) and it turns out that every so often my heart does miss a beat - but it's just an irregular heartbeat. Nothing wrong. The woman actually told me it means my heart is even stronger/better, though she could have just been saying that to make me feel better.

In any case, I wouldn't be too concerned. If you are, just go into have a physical (not a bad idea anyway) and mention it while you're there. If they think it's something to look into - or you do - you can take it farther.

29-12-11, 03:56
Thanks for the replies everyone. This has always been an on going thing for me but I I'm just gonna have to learn to live with it. What's crazy is I feel them the most when I'm just relax and not really doing anything like watching tv or laying down in bed

30-12-11, 03:06
hey ye i get these alot (like everyone else here lol), i seem to get them in runs, where they come straight after eachothr and it feels like my heart is fluttering, in some manic spasm and is going to shut down at any moment! they're terribly frightening :hugs: