View Full Version : advice please!

28-12-11, 11:39
i need some advice...
i wrote a car off yesterday lunch time... long story and will prob bore you all with it later.
i was driving at prob 40 mph ish ... someone infront signaled last min and turned right.
i skidded into the back of him writing off my car. the police had to be called as he wasnt very nice(even they said he was very odd ).
anyway i went into work later and am in work now until 2pm ... i was very tired last night so went to bed as soon as i was home (not like me), got up this morn and came into work.
but i feel awful... im obviously tired and my anxiety has gone through the roof but i would say that is normal for those of us that suffer.
but i have a head ache in the back of my head... bit dizzy and ache alot round the shoulders/arms. i dont want to waste a doctors time but on the other hand wonder if i should go and see someone... and advice please.

28-12-11, 12:00

What a nightmare.

It is possible that you have suffered a bit of whiplash from the impact.

To be honest I would be tempted to get it seen to, not least as it could result in an insurance claim on your behalf.

Good luck and take it easy.


28-12-11, 20:36
Hello Rach,

The accident must have shaken you up both mentally and physically - such a shock to the system.

I agree with Elen, and i think it is possible you could have suffered some whiplash. Definitely worthwhile letting the doctor check you over.

Hope you will be feeling better soon.

Helen x

29-12-11, 21:23
I agree, definitely sounds like whiplash. Take it from someone who's had 2 very bad accidents in the past!
See a doctor just to get it on your record in case of an insurance claim as Elen says, although I fear a claim would not be in your favour, not through car insurance anyway, they'll probably only say you should always expect such things and should have kept more distance from the car in front - they are idiots like that!

Still I assume you are more worried about yourself, stay calm, it's nothing to worry about and will pass within the week I'm sure, normal pain killers should do. Any other problems after that again see someone but I doubt very much it's anything serious. It's the bodys natural reaction to a very fast movement forwards in such car accidents.

I'm sorry you wrote your car off, I know how much of a pain that is! Bit of advice on that front that I've just recently (and annoyingly) learnt. Your insurers will give you a lump sum for your car (I assume), don't accept the first amount, they try and get away with the smallest amount possible!

29-12-11, 22:08
thank you for the replies.
im feeling much better today although still a little achey.
i think it was shock, i probably should have taken it easy but didnt ...but thats me!
yes the police told me it would be classed as my fault as i went in the back of him, but as they could see from the marks on road etc it wasnt entirely my fault.
the bloke i hit that was abusive approached me again this eve ...stinking of booze(he is an alcolholic but hadnt been drinking on tue).if he carries on i will report him.
anyway i just wanted to pop in and say thanks for replying.

30-12-11, 10:31
Bluesparkle the same thing happened to me a few years back when I went into the back of someone at a roundabout. I thought the guy in front had moved off as the road was clear. Unfortunately his car had stalled but I was so busy looking right I went into the back of him. Hey accidents happen, that's why they're called accidents. Don't let the guy bother you, he's probably got a bit of a fright at the time. But don't let him intimidate you. Unfortunately insurance companies always rule that the car who goes into the one if front is at fault - it's just the way it is so don't worry. And I agree with the others, you prob should've popped into docs as it may help with the insurance claim.

30-12-11, 11:03
Can't be as bad as the woman I'm currently dealing with, insurance hasn't even finished batteling it out yet for blame (although I'll be honest it was my fault hitting her parked car but I've denied it!) and she's gone to a no win no fee solicitor! I paid £130 for a driver awareness course to get out of court and points and the daft bint wants me in court! Some people drive me mad! And anyway, she didn't park right in the first place :lac:!!

Glad to hear you're feeling better :)

30-12-11, 11:29
thank you :)
it really helps having people listen.
i have driven for the first time since tue this morning... only a short distance but need to drive into work soon which is ten miles and round country lanes.
i know im being silly but am very nervous.
i hate this anxiety arrgghhh ...but i know its just a blip and brought on by something that happened.
thanks for listening

30-12-11, 11:45
You will be fine Rach, it is only normal to be anxious about it so not silly in the slightest.

Take your time and you will get there.

Loads of luv


30-12-11, 12:07
yes, something like this happened to us. I am not a driver, my husband is.
I wish now tht I had made a claim for my NOT serious injurys, but the mental anxiety is still affecting me even now. I use the bus. I will make ant excuse not to get into someones car if offered a lift. The insurance people were so bad handling the case it took ages and many a sleepless night.
I feel for you bluesparkle and the others.
See your GP if in doupt.:flowers:

Vanilla Sky
30-12-11, 16:18
Sorry to hear Rac , hope your ok . Does sound like a bit of whiplash but more the shock i would say . You would have tensed all your muscles for the fight or flight thing and that in its self would cause you to be sore , Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs:

Love Paige xxxx