View Full Version : Can all of these symptoms be from anxiety?

28-12-11, 12:47
I've been feeling shocking for the past year which all started with chest pain in late 2011. Since then I've gotten a whole list of symptoms that are wearing me down, I even feel like I'm on the verge of a heart attack ever since these new symptoms started.

I've had countless tests that all come up as 'normal' (ECGs, bloods, blood pressure, x-rays, stomach endoscopy and even had a few ER visits) I'm a 28yo male.

Here's what I have.

- chronic central chest pain (fluctuates from mild to severe) (came on dec 2010)
- chronic sharp pain throughout entire body (ribs, neck, shoulders, arms and legs worst) (jan 2011)
- heavy thumping heart beat, especially when laying down (dec 2011)
- constant internal shaking / tremor sensation in chest, stomach and neck (dec 2011)
- chronic stomach pain (jan 2011)
- frequent ectopic beats (dec 2011)
- left arm keeps going heavy and numb (dec 2011)
- always feel sick in chest (jan 2011)
- weakness / off balance walking / legs like jelly / feel faint (dec 2011)
- waking up in the middle of the night with a racing heart and thumping pulse in the back of my head (this is seriously scary!) (dec 2011)
- constant loud high pitched squealing in ears (mid 2010)
- ears keep burning up hot (mid 2010)
- complete heat intolerance (mid 2010)

is it possible all that can be anxiety?

28-12-11, 13:05
That sounds like classic anxiety to me. It's hard to believe, I know, but just think what you mind can do to make you well if it can make you feel so ill. It's just a matter of funding the way to change it round.

28-12-11, 13:20
yeah it does anxiety panic attacks hows ya mind??? do u feel like this continually or just in certain situations hun?
im suprised none of the docs have said this is what it could be or ya gp even , classic signs all off them and were not docs , just fellow sufferers :(

28-12-11, 13:59
Hello leisurelydinner
Do you feel dizzy at all? Can relate to alot of your symptoms and docs say it health anxiety

28-12-11, 19:35
Yes, I have to agree, this DOES sound like anxiety, I've had most of the same symptoms over the years .... it really is amazing what anxiety can do! You're not alone.

29-12-11, 01:52
Thanks guys :hugs:

yeah it does anxiety panic attacks hows ya mind???

My mind's pretty numb and blank atm, i feel like i can't think. Feels very 'lights on nobody home', really hard to explain.

do u feel like this continually or just in certain situations hun?
im suprised none of the docs have said this is what it could be or ya gp even , classic signs all off them and were not docs , just fellow sufferers :(

It's been constant for the past year, some days are less bad than others but the symptoms are always there.
My GP has thought anxiety and he's given my seroquel to take. Haven't noticed any effect yet apart from a dry mouth.

Hello leisurelydinner
Do you feel dizzy at all? Can relate to alot of your symptoms and docs say it health anxiety

Feel dizzy and nauseous all the time, especially when standing or walking. I dread waking even short distances as my legs feel like jelly and as if they're going to give way and i'll pass out.

29-12-11, 06:18
I have a few of these but my main thing is the pounding heartbeat when I lay down. SO scary!! I even took a trip to the ER where they kept me overnight, hooked me up to monitors, ran several blood tests (even put dye in my veins) and ran on their treadmill....all perfect the cardiologist said.
Two nights later it happened again. I feel like my heart may explode but only when I'm trying to sleep or almost asleep.

29-12-11, 12:05
I hate that symptom too, I also get this kind of grinding sensation with every heart beat when laying down, makes me feel like there's sound kind of blockage or something...
It goes away as soon as I sit up. Weird.

29-12-11, 12:18
Yes, I've had all of those, and many of them at the same time during the peak of my anxiety.

I've had so many medical tests, to anything physical has been ruled out (despite the physical nature of the symptoms). All down to anxiety.