View Full Version : Am I going crazy? Freckles/Skin

28-12-11, 16:50
These past few weeks i've had so much anxiety and worry its just unbearable at this point..

I am constantly checking my skin, all over my body. I see little freckles and tiny brown spots in different areas! I can't tell if i've always had these freckles/spots or not. am I just now noticing them? I could swear that i see new ones popping up everyday..

What can cause freckles to just appear out of no where?

I should mention that im really fair skinned and very pale..

I am absolutely terrified that I may have skin cancer or something similar. I can barely type all this out im so shaky!

Please help me!

29-12-11, 09:00
anyone have anything..? I don't mean to be a bother.

29-12-11, 09:15
Hi Clow, i have similar skin to you and i sometimes think i have a new one, and straight away i think cancer, but luckily it doesn't realy get to me like my other health anxiety issues. All you can do is get them checked to put your mind at ease. I hope that helps put your mind at rest.

30-12-11, 07:04
do freckles normally just appear out of nowhere??

and if I did have skin cancer wouldn't I be having other side effects?