View Full Version : Please someone help me

28-12-11, 17:11
I am in a terrible state, suffered with very very severe H/A for too many years.
I have a history of UTIs and boxing day had blood in wee, pain in left side .
I have been panicing eversince So went to Docs and she is sending me for Scan.
But after doing the most stupid thing I googled and I am now convinced I also have Colon Cancer and my IBS has been that for a while.
No appetite lots and lots of stress.
I cant go on much longer like this I have ruined everyones Christmas by my anxiety I am 100 percent have incurable cancer even been thinking what to do to prepare.
I am 61 everyone says on here its more common over 60 and I feel so panicked I cant function

28-12-11, 18:06
Hi Mary

I think if the doc was worried about colon cancer they would send you for a colonoscopy. What sort of scan are you having do you know?

Also you would have other problems I would think like constant diarrhea.

This is probably just another UTI that you say you are prone to anyway.

28-12-11, 18:07
Any one!!!

28-12-11, 18:21
Doesnt sound at all like colon cancer Mary ..MY Mum had it ..You will get blood in your urine from a UTI AND pain .If you are Stressed you will lose your appetite ,Im the same .I lost over a stone once .Its also common to have IBS when you get stressed as it affects the nervous system... Also not eating will cause constipation and further pain ,as the bowel goes into spasm..Your Dr is just being thorough .You do sound like you need some antibiotics tho .If you have a UTI ,YOU wont get rid of it without .Googling will always give you the wrong Diagnosis ..Please try in future not go there .Im sure you havnt got anything ike Colon cancer .Hope you feel better soon ..Sue x

28-12-11, 18:24
Hello mary,

I am so sorry you are suffering with high anxiety, and I know how difficult it is to rationalise symptoms once you become convinced it is something incurable. Blood in urine is a very common symptom of UTI, and since you have a history of this type of infection, I think it is very likely to be the cause.

On a positive note, you have seen your doctor, so that is a good step forward. I know your anxiety will be running high until you get your scan results, but I am sure your mind will be put at ease. Meantime, please promise yourself to stay away from google in my experience it always fuels anxiety and rarely offers any comfort.

I do understand how you are feeling, and I hope you have your appointment through soon. Try to hang on to rational thoughts - and remind yourself you have suffered with UTIs before which is the most common cause of blood in urine.

28-12-11, 18:42
Thank you for your replies, I suppose I pick up on every little detail the doctor said, she asked me if the pain spread over from the side which it does and then decided to do the abdomen which sent H/A sky high.

I have had IBS type symptoms for years and now those symptoms have changed a bit so googled and noe hey ho The dreaded C of anything inside.
Rationality is not ny strong point and I think my Dr losing patience