View Full Version : Symptoms Getting Out Of Control!!!

28-12-11, 21:59
I know anxiety can cause multiple symptoms, but mine just keep getting worse and seem to be with me all the time!!! And obviously I am having trouble believing the doctors when they say it's all anxiety. Sometimes think they just look at my chart, see my most recent diagnosis (GAD, panic disorder w/ agoraphobia) and don't even bother to investigate any further. I have been diagnosed with REFLUX, TMJ, and IBS. but it truly feels like I'm dying everyday.. Wake up every morning in tears. Here are my most troubling symptoms:

Nausea and dry heaving/retching in the morning
Breathing feels funny, like I can't get in enough air
Shaking (mostly my legs)
Internal vibrations near chest area
Horrible back and neck pains (since Oct!)
Pain in chest and ribs (comes and goes)
Pressure and full feeling in head and ears
Low blood pressure (it was always in the normal range now it can go as low as 95/60

Help! I am at a loss and all tests have back normal. Can all his really be just anxiety?? Can it make u feel like you are going to die at any moment?? Thanks for taking the time to read this. Xx

There are more bt these bother me he most

28-12-11, 22:42
Hi :)

I so feel for you with these life sapping symptoms .............so awful :hugs:
But yes I have had them all Luvtoteach .every single damn one of them .
Some all together ...some random . It sucks big time .
One thing I read here that made sense to me in my panic was that anxiety as we know sends the flight and fright hormones into action . And we have nerve endings all over our body hence the all over body symptoms ..and the random flares . It can make physical symptoms any part of our bodies .tingling ,palps , ibs , .........no where that evil demon cant reach my love :hugs:

You have seen the doctor to rule out disease . I think you are on meds but need to look back in your posts sorry :blush:.
please if you can let these horrid feelings wash over you a bit . You are not going to die forum friend .........promise xxx
I had and still have this physical stuff .....and am still here 20 years later .

29-12-11, 06:36
Thank you so much for your reply... It really helped put my mind at ease. I've been having a really rough time wih all these symptoms and added to them are the constant feelings of being on edge all the time. It is soooo draining! I'm sorry you've also has to deal wih these feelings too. Are you better now? How did you overcome the constant worry? Xx

29-12-11, 10:08
I have had anxiety/panic since i was around 15 so thats now 17 years. i am always saying i want to feel 'normal'. i have fuzzy heads, dizzyness, shaking, depersonalization funny vision.... you name it i have them every single day. like my husband says, people have fears of balloons, buttons, spiders, and you have a fear of the outside world. i know deep down i wont die from this but i just wish for one day that they would leave me alone and let me go where i want and do what i want without the horrible feelings my body goes through. it is the most scary feeling in the world as you do think you have something seriously wrong but i supose after 17 yrs, it would have happened by now. i am just having to except that this is me and this is my illness like other people that have problems, just anxiety is silent and unknown to others that do not understand it.

29-12-11, 17:02
sending you pm luv2teach


31-12-11, 21:49
Hey chicken, haven't heard from you for a couple of days.

How did the docs go? I've PM'd you, but PM me when you're on next and let me know how you are.

Loads of hugs for you honey xxx

31-12-11, 23:33
Had most of the syptoms this time last year , i thought i was dieing , the neck pain , shoulders heart burn , feeling very very strange it was awefull :weep:

Your tests are all clear :yesyes:, the key words for me hear is "feeling on edge all the time" , the adrenalin the body pumps out can give all these syptoms .
It really really is hard to believe its anxiety causeing all this but it was with me it now seems all so "unreal" now i,m ok again (almost but i have my moments.)

Long walks , distraction techniques and forceing yourself to do something made me get through it but i didn,t relise this was helping at the time , i think it burned off excess adrenalin and took my mind off the symptoms if only for a few seconds , it seemed to help long term , seconds turned into minutes etc but you don,t see this at the time .

Best wishes for 2012 :hugs:

01-01-12, 00:40
I've had half of the symptons you list, still have afew on the list i have to deal with each day, trying to stay as calm as possible and carry on doing the things you like helps me out.

01-01-12, 05:04
Thanks for your replies... It always helps to hear that others have gone through or are still going through similar things, but at times this can feel so lonely and like no one understands. Ive had several pretty rough days since first posting... Started really freaking out about my heart and went to ER as I went into a total panic attack thinking I was moments away from a heart attack. I actually called 911 first!! Omg sooo embarrassing to have 7 paramedics in my bedroom with me totally freaking out asking them "am I having a heart attack?" through the tears.

They pretty much reassured me then and there it was just a panic attack but try still took me to ER as shaking and increased heart rate wouldn't go down. The hospital ran all sorts of tests.. More then ever before. All if them were normal except for the treadmill stress test which they had to stop due to my high heart rate. I totally broke down, thinking for sure now I have a real problem with my heart, but the doctor said that I was just to anxious during the test and that's why they stopped it. Still now in the back of my mind, I have that "what if something is really wrong" nagging at my mind.

Started a new medication today so I'm hoping it helps me. I can't just rely on lorazapam anymore as my health and has reached an all time high... It's become depilating and I was becoming almost non functional. Thanks for reading if you made it through this far and I will update soon!

01-01-12, 06:28
hi luv2teach ,hun u are not! alone everything u said sounds just like me ,ive been to er and they have ran all the test ,ive never had stress test but i have all the rest ,i wish i could take ur anxiety away its awfull feelings,,i feel same as u everyday allday it never goes away all doc say is anx,i cant belive them its hard to think anx can do this much to u and last so long :( ....i will always be here for u and i will try cheer u up ...i hope the new meds help u ....better days are coming for u its a new year ..happy new year and take care ...

01-01-12, 08:52
We're all here for you babe, just like you've been here for us. We'll be your comfort blankets for as long as you need us.

Keep us posted on the new meds and let us know how you're doing - I'll be making a nuisance of myself if I don't hear from you everyday.

Love to you as always honey :flowers:

P.S. I hope they were 7 gorgeous male paramedics :winks:

01-01-12, 08:53
Oh Jess thank god I have you on here as I know we have a lot of the same fears and concerns. I just hope that this new year will bring about some piece of mind for us both. I hope to get on the chat sometime tomorrow so I will PM you later to see if you'll join me. Thank you for all your continued support!! Xx

Laura - you are too funny about the paramedics! There was one that was kind of cute but in the state I was in they all could have been naked and I wouldn't haven't even noticed I was that upset and convinced I was dying!! Thank u for always beig there for me.. I don't think you will ever truly understand how much your advice and kind words mean to me. I'm going to have to get put of this funk soon and find u in the chat room sometime tomorrow. Big Hugs!!

01-01-12, 10:22
Hi Luv2teach..

I am 43 and have had PA since I was 15. They come and go but I have had all of your symptoms plus a load more. Have you tried CBT? (cognitive behaviour therapy?)
I find this amazing for when I have smaller episodes. It really is mind over matter and as we know, our mind is a powerful thing! It doesn't work every time but I manage to function daily using these techniques. I know that it doesn't appear to work for everyone but it's def work a try as it may work for you :)

Every time I have a bad one I convince myself that I'm gonna die. It's the worst feeling ever!!

Take care Hun


02-01-12, 09:21
Hi luv2teach

Have you tested yourself for Adrenal Fatigue? I have been reading up on it the last couple of days and think I am and it's making me unable to control my PA. I have sent off for a home test (tests saliva).
Read this website, it's amazing.. http://www.adrenalfatiguerecovery.com/what-is-adrenal-fatigue.html
If you have been suffering for a long time (me on and off for 28 years) it may have worn out the ability of your Adrenal Glands. These control your fight or flight response.
Panic Attacks
Low Blood Pressure
And many more....

It may be worth a look..

Take care hunny
