View Full Version : head worries and itchy palms of my hands

sherylee xx
29-12-11, 00:51
tonight the palms of my hands have really started itchin then it went away and just come back any ideas??? also i have an astigmatism (my eyes are egg shaped as aposed to bein round) its worse in my right eye and past few days my right eye has felt weird kinda heavy hand like theres a film over it, also gettin alot of pains behind my eyes and head pains also a weird shaky feelin in my head and like a shrinkin feelin doctors have said its anxiety xx :weep:

29-12-11, 01:12
are you touching something that you might be allergic to? My boyfriend gets itchy palms when we go clothes shopping ... he is allergic to a chemical that gets put on new clothes ... once we wash the clothes it does not happen.

Also itchiness can be a symptom of being stressed out! Odd, I know, but I know a few people who get itchy when they are stressed.

I don't know much about astigmatism, but the pains behind your eyes and head pains sound a lot like tension headaches. I would try some ibuprofin, that helps me.

I hope you feel better!!

sherylee xx
29-12-11, 01:29
not that i know of hun they just randomly started itchin :/ an d that must be annoyin for your bf lol yeah i did think m aybe stress im q1uite itchy all over now its so weird lol an d ohright hun yeah i take ibuprofen but it doesnt help much :( xx