View Full Version : sertraline 50mg - 100mg?

29-12-11, 12:18
hello all

i have been on sertraline 50mg for about 6months now and all was going well until about 3 weeks ago when i started having panic attacks again. i have been to dr's and he says that i should be trying to cut them down but i feel the opposite that i should be increasing the dose to 100mg to counter the anxiety i get from heart palpitations (im scared to take beta blockers!) i feel very down at the moment. im going to work later and i am filled with dred.

has anyone else upped their dose and how did they get on?

Thank you:weep:

03-01-12, 11:39
I totally understand where you are coming from. NICE guidelines (updated in jan 11) state that treatment for MH problems should be person centred (in that patients should be involved in decisions about their treatment)

I struggled with one appointment: A review appointment, a GP (not my regular GP but who has one of those these days!!?) said 'You do know you'll have to come off these some days.'

I speak as a GAD sufferer and also having studied Counselling (not qualified but familiar with the theory) and I certainly believe GP's and MH practitioners need to operate from a person/patient centred perspective.

I have just joined today and being browsing the forums and I read a good anecdote about someone discussing similarities of anti - depressants with their relative who takes medication for a long term physical health problem. Mental health is just as important....

I would suggest trying to see another GP who specializes or has an interest in mental health (has a post graduate certificate for example) I'm not sure if you have intervention from a mental health team but if you do you could discuss this with them.

I do understand it's scary.

edited to add about dose increase: I went from 50mg to 100mg Sertraline with no significant issues. I have a dry mouth and night sweats but it's a small price to pay really for some relief.