View Full Version : Anxiety thoughts and feelings

29-12-11, 13:57

I have GAD which I have had for almost a year now I am managing to control it but still suffer the physical symptoms from time to time and I am trying to identify what sets off my symptoms such as difficulty breathing, jittery feelings etc.

Sometimes they just seem to arrive and I am getting pretty good at identifying what is caused by work etc. For example I had a pretty much permanent headache for about a month and a half, one sided with intense pain - as soon as I left work for the Christmas holiday it went away and has not yet returned over two weeks later. I saw the doc about the headache and she confirmed that it was caused by anxiety and tension - had a problem at work which has since been resolved so that could have caused it....

I'm using a site called Moodscope which i use daily to help with the up's and down of anxiety and it is pretty good.

Is anyone else out there looking at how anxiety causes thoughts and feelings which in turn bring on the physical symptoms? do you have any specific things that you do which work? or do you have ways in which you identify what has caused it?

Thank you for any help x:)