View Full Version : hot and cold

29-12-11, 18:27
does anyone feel realy cold when they wake up from a sleep in the day i feel frozen to the bone .i never get this when i wake up from a nights sleep only if i drop off in the day

01-01-12, 16:21
there must be someone elce whos gets this symtom

01-01-12, 17:15
Hi Melvin, i think we all do, usually bescause when we fall asleep during the dat for a nap say, we do not cover up as we do in bed.

I know i can fall asleep on the sofa, and wake up feeling cold, not like being snuggled up in bed, so very normal i would say x

01-01-12, 17:48
yes. in fact someone posted almost exactly the same things a month or two ago I seem to remember, its a lack of energy in my opinion.