View Full Version : any advice

29-12-11, 21:44
This is a sentence I have taken from NMP. I was wandering how I would do this. I seem to have developed a health fear. I wanted to know how anyone has sucessfully dealt with unwanted intrusive fearful thoughts.

How would you tackle this sentence then? "Thought stop or thought swap with another affirming or more pleasant thought"

And did it work for you?

I just cant do medication tryed to go back on citalopram and I just cant face the nausea and the heighted anxiety So I am going to try it the natural way. Well I would say the Claire weeks way.

Some days I have the right thought process and i then think right that is it I feel good today got things into perspective then the next day I have lost my focus. I then start thinking the wrong way.

What baffles me is that I had this health thing about 8 years ago as then I was going through a bit of a strssful time but i just got it sorted and that was it. But this time I had major problems in my life and this health thing came about again. Well it is Blood pressure thats my fear. But it seems to have taken centre stage. Which is odd because when I last had it I just popped along to my gp had it tested a couple of times till it came down and was told to come back in 6 months and I accepted it but this time I have been told its fine now come back in 12 months but I am just not accepting it. What the hell is wrong with me?

Cathy xx

29-12-11, 23:21

This might help.

Make it a positive thought - remove the negative.

"My blood pressure fine, that is why my doctor is happy." Keep on saying this or something similar to yourself.

Positive phrases, over time, can help in situations such as this - it did for me

29-12-11, 23:41
Thanks Utility for that reply.

On Chriistmas day as I was driving to my daughters, I kept saying that positive thought to myelf. I even kept picturing my gps face saying it to me and it did work. And every now and again i got a touch of fear and the old habit trying to come in to my mind but I would repeat the positive thought. I had a bril day it was lovely. Then come boxing day morning and I had the butterflys and the old thoughts again so that upset me a bit. I had to drive to yorkhire to my partners that morning so in the car I kept repeating the thought. However I felt is was harder to focus, but by the time I got there i felt ok. We went out that day for yet another xmas dinner and i could eat it as when I am anxious I cant eat but i enjoyed the day. However the next morning I had another scary thought like it was Oh my god how do I keep my BP normal will it change and I had a big panic my heart was beating fast so I was trying to put a positive thougt in place but couldnt seem to find one. since then I have felt dissapointed with myself. as I know the last thought just doesnt make sense and I kept telling myself this. sorry for going on but I am just trying to make sense of all this.

Cathy xx

30-12-11, 00:07

Please try your best not over analyse things. Don't get me wrong, I know at times it is not easy, but if you do have a negative thought just replace it with a positive one and move on from that. Certainly don't be dissapointed in yourself - having a variety of feelings and thoughts is what makes us human. It is just a case of not over analysing them.

In 2007 I was convinced that I was going to keel over at any moment and no matter what the doctor told me (that this wasn't the case) I didn't believe him. Through the use of positive thought and trust in my doctor my view on things completely changed.

The last time my doctor took my blood pressure was about 3 years ago (to be honest I don't even know if that is correct because it now doesn't matter to me). I remember thinking then that my doctor didn't tell me what my blood pressure was, so if he is not worried then why should I be.

I am 48 years old, exercise regularily and use positve thought all the time, and now feel and look healthier than I did when I was a 30 year old.

Your doctor is not concerned about your BP, so you shouldn't be either

30-12-11, 13:25
Utility thanks

I am going through what you went through. It is so good to hear how you are now. I am 58 and I look very young for my age. I was a dancer long ago lol. but I love excersize but I have lost my confidence and think endlessly about if I am damaging my body I know this is silly. I so want to get back to it and be happpy again. last year wasnt good I ended my marriage lost my job had a car crash so lots went on. So at the time of the crash my gp said my bp was border line so it wasnt even that bad. it is ok now thats as long as i can stay calm. lol.

I have a lovely partner now and want to keep him but I have changed since he first met me but he understands. I have to get me back again. And have the good times we had.

Your advice is exactly what Claire Weeks teachers in her books and I know it is hard giving yourself the right words as you must know, but you do have to persevere and it all comes good in the end.

I dont take any anti depressents as dont like them. so your advice is just what i need. Thanks again. you make so much sence hope to here from you again.

Cathy xx :) xx

30-12-11, 14:45
Yes utility is right---about all --and the blood pressure thing. I have had my own moniter for years,and i was using it every day,so was my hubby.
I don't bother with it now. everyones blood pessure changes just by moving about,
I have mine taken once a year at gps and do it myself when i think about it.
Take care

30-12-11, 18:43
Glad I could be of help.