View Full Version : Hot hot hot

07-06-06, 18:29
dont know about you but EVERYONE is raving about his faberooney hot weather and hot WONDERFUL it is - okay okay its happy to see the sun but all I can keep thinking about is how hot and breathless I feel and how dizzy this weather makes my head spin and I cant get a breath in and I feel like Im gonna collapse and faint - phew - glad to be home from work now and sitting inside with a glass of water!!! Wenjoy x

07-06-06, 18:42
I hate it too.

You could try Magicool - it works for a few minutes for me but others have found it helps them.

I go and sit in the car with the air-con on to cool down. At night I have a fan on in the bedroom.


07-06-06, 19:08
Gets too much for me too this hot weather,doubles my symptoms!
Cant wait for the snow to fall again! :D

07-06-06, 22:15
Hi Wenjoy
I know just how you feel - took my class to the park today for a trip and by 3.15 I was feeling dizzy, headachy and paniky. Its taken most of the evening to convince myself I haven't got sunstroke and that I'm not going to keel over!!
Love Helen

07-06-06, 22:25
Hi Wenjoy

Like the other say hun put a fan in your bedroom & keep windows open. Thats all we can really do in this weather.

Take care


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But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

07-06-06, 22:27
i felt this was worth sharing.
i have a special deodorant stone that really helps with sweating and uncomfortableness. i'd really reccommend it what with this lovely weather we are having. here is a link:-


check out the reviews. you can also find similar stones for really cheap on ebay.

i like to use entirely natural products because i dont like the idea of using chemicals on my body. especially with the words of warning with deodorants linking to breast cancer.

its another nice piece of mind :)


08-06-06, 08:08
Thankyou one and all - will try to think "cool" thoughts and also check out Calico s website she recommended. xx