View Full Version : Anxiety getting more frequent

30-12-11, 10:23

My Anxiety seems to be getting more frequent the past couple of months and with that Panick attacks. I had started drinking more coffee again (so i cut that out) but i'm pretty sure its because my second child is due in 2 months. I'm realy looking forward to it but after all the problems my wife and baby had the last time (all was fine in the end though) i guess its probably that.

I seem to be getting my panic attacks under control again. Recognising the signs helps (thanks to all the info here) but they are a lot more common than the last year.

The good news is that so far this pregnancy is going well...

Still, keeping going and doing all i can to keep this under control but it does get me down.

Been reading all the useful information and its helping loads :-)

30-12-11, 17:18
that's great that you're keeping on and understanding how panic works.
I can understand why you'd be getting more anxious in the run up to the birth it's completely natural. Just remember to keep up with all the anti anxiety things you've identified. Whether that's deep muscle relaxation or exercise or whatever
Best wishes