View Full Version : Strange head sensation. Help?

30-12-11, 11:42
I’ve suffered from severe panic disorder (and, as a result of that, health anxiety and agoraphobia) for almost a year now, and during that time I’ve experienced a wide variety of really frightening physical symptoms, most of which I can now tolerate and rationalise. But one of the symptoms I still find it incredibly difficult to deal with is so weird that I’ve never been able to properly describe it to my GP (so, naturally, I assume something horrible is being overlooked).

Anyway, it’s like this: my nasal passage feels ‘inflamed’ – a bit like I have a blocked nose, only I don’t – and it’s the same sensation within my head. Like my vessels are swollen or somehow narrowed, so the flow of blood/oxygen isn’t what it should be. When it happens, I feel a bit off-balance and faint (although I’ve never fainted), and like I can’t catch my breath. Oh, and my scalp muscles tighten, worsening the whole constriction thing – so I panic and my thoughts skip from clot to haemorrhage and back again until it passes. Which sometimes takes hours.

Does that make sense to any of you? I’m feeling really lost right now.

30-12-11, 22:08
Hey Luv,
I also suffer with odd head goings on! i find it hard to describe what i feel too, a bit like u with the infmaed feeling etc. My scalp also feels tight sometimes which makes me panic more. I feel very blocked also, ihave started to take sudofed and i must say its helped loads! I think now maybe my sinuses were blocked and it triggered other symps. xxxxx

30-12-11, 23:39
I get all sorts of weird head stuff. Sometimes it feels like a wave of sensation (only way I can think to describe it) rushing through my head, like a fluttery, tingly sensation. And with my sinuses I get a scratchy sort of feeling in the top of my nose and top of mouth, our bodies really know how to freak us out but thankfully no harm comes from any of it when its anxiety related :)

02-01-12, 01:39
I am so with you on this! I get this bunged-up feeling that runs up the side of my head, as if I have a blocked passage. No amount of blowing my nose or taking decongestants has any effect. I'm just trying to forget about it. It always feels like I'm waiting for it to suddenly clear, but it never does.

04-01-12, 18:31
I think anxiety and stress has a way of presenting itself through all sorts of symptoms. Headwise I have had stabbing pains, burning sensations, have had tingling sensations in my jaw and face with my jaw trembling almost uncontrollably.

There must be something that works away inside your mind so that as you realise that what you are experiencing is stress-related and you can rationalise it for what it is, your body comes up with another "symptom" that has you worrying all over again.

I have had the palpitations, hot sweats, cold shivers, shaking and an intense desire to stretch out all my leg muscles. When I do, I get the shakes starting. I've had to get up in the night to empty out both departments, I have this incredibly uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, it's not painful but it is difficult to deal with. Presently I am getting the butterfly sensation on the left of my abdomen and a strange achey feeling in my left breast which is coming on after I eat. Honestly if I hadn't googled extensively I would have had myself in a box by now!

The answer is perhaps to find out as much as you can about anxiety and stress, then look for ways that work for you to deal with them. There are lots of alternatives out there, mind control, speaking to your subconscious and some physical tricks such as the vasovagal manoeuvre and breathing methods.

I'm not cured, I still stress but I feel far more in control of myself than I did several years ago when all this started with a huge panic attack. It's not easy especially when you get yet another new symptom but it's worth having a go for your own peace of mind.

07-03-12, 09:15
Hi emmasaurus,

I know this post is a few months old but I feel the exact same as you. I have has laser treatment to remove some of my nasal tissue as I was all congested but still have the same symptoms.

Just wodnered if you had found anything to ease them symptoms?

My forehead feels like it is burning sometimes although I don;t have a temperature?

Do you take any anxiety medication?



07-03-12, 23:07
Hi All
I have exactly this at the moment...

I have such a blocked feeling in my sinuses and they actually feel so tender to touch.... I went to the docs a couple of weeks ago and he gave me anti-biotics telling me it was more than likely a sinus infection... (more than likely didn't fill me with confidence)...

Anyhow, they helped for a bit but the aching and pressure is back again...
My head feels kind of tender and also feels so hot although I don't have a temperature... It's just a really odd feeling...

Really can't figure out if this is sinus problem or anxiety.... it's starting to worry me now though.... :weep:

15-03-12, 18:11
Anyone get a really weird feeling in their head like it is shaking. I sometimes feel like my head has stopped and then I feel the blood flow sort of delayed. I also feel like I am going to pass out and all sorts of other what I can only call 'funny turns' but all centres in my head.
Sometimes when I am trying to sleep I feel like I am falling into my head. Sounds crazy.