View Full Version : Neck query~!MS ALS Neuro!

30-12-11, 21:45
Hey I am back again...with more neuro problems.
So far i have been having the foll symptoms since october -
1) First to start were hand tremors..which is still there and now its more noticeable , like when i am using ipad/iphone..i can see when my hand is above the screen its reallllly having a tremor! both hands..and all fingers!MS!
2)Then twitching in various plaves...so went on from MS to ALS...twitchiing everywhere...now days mostly..eyes. Started with my right eye..and used o get activated when i sneeze...then it stoppped for a few days..now since today i have been sneezing and my area above my RIGHT eye has started twitching..completely drained to even freak out now.

3)Now I have been having neck pain since almost a year now..its not always constant..but comes and goes. Now agaig since 3 days i am having horrible neck pain behind and i feel its so tight my muscles that i cant even move my head properly...i feel like its soo stretched..that my neck might just break if i move it too much!

4) Now the other MAIN thing thats happening is...when I am bending my head, its like there is this jerky movement from withing..its as if u know how u have some creaky machinery..and once u grease it it will move smoothly. I feel like all my joints or my nerves..are creaky....whenever i am bending them now..mostly my joints...( neck, wrist, knee,feet) they are all beding down in slow rhythmic jerking movements...i don know what this is called. I checked Lhermites thingy...and i dont think thats what this is. What the hell is this?? they all go down in this position...tic tic tic..like that..its not one smooth motion like tic! I dont even know if i am making any sense.

I am goin to a neuro again..in Jan. There were two small spots on my brain mri in may..but the doc had said its nothing at all..and its all normal. but since then...i have been thinking i have ms ( maybe i really do) but so far i don have the classic symptom of numbness.

Sorry its so long..i dont know if any of u can reply to this or even if it makes any sense...
i am at a complete dead end..tremors,twitches,weird movements,neck pain.
Nyone help me?

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Someone reply please!

31-12-11, 09:47
Anyone in here who has any idea what this could be?

02-01-12, 11:35
Anyone please????

05-03-12, 23:44
Really anyone i posed this back in december...didnt show a doctor yet...anyone has any ideea?

06-03-12, 00:33
Did you go to your appointment in January?

victor jara
06-03-12, 13:01
Hi zeezme, What I know of als is that you do not get pain with it and there can be many other causes of twitching including a thing called bnf benign fasciculation syndrome and I understanding acute anxiety can cause these symptoms.

What other tests did your neuro do nerve study or emg etc?

I can empathise with you I have real dread I have als/mnd and I had extensive neuro tests last year and they were not able to diagnose anything. What I do know is that anything neuro we automatically think the worst eg ms/mnd and that is what google chucks back at you when you type in certain symptoms. When in reality there are many neuro symptoms and conditions that are treatable and anxiety can be very powerful in how it can effect our bodies.

I am sorry I cannnot give you more help apart from trust your doctors to run the tests and wait and see .

Regards victor.

25-06-12, 11:43
Hi there,
I actually get this a lot and it's so strange. I find it scary as of lately I get the jolting, jerky head movements and twitches and I really believe it's anxiety related, as every few months there is something new that I believe is wrong with me. I'm with you all the way and I hope you are doing better now

---------- Post added at 20:43 ---------- Previous post was at 20:42 ----------

I also get the hand tremors! Your body does strange thing when you have anxiety like us